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Reinstalling Global Base

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I run P3Dv4.5  under Windows 10 along with Orbx Global, base, LC and Vector.


I recently developed a problem following an attempt to integrate my own photo scenery for EMSE and I decided to remove the new scenery and reinstall Orbx Global because I suspected that some of my files had been corrupted. At the same time I wanted to install the new Orbx Central which would allow me to install my scenery in a Library separate from my simulator drive (D:). I started with the lOrbx Central and was able to create the new library folder. I then started to uninstalled my Orbx files but when I got to Global Base there was no option to uninstall. This I did manually by removing the Orbx folder from my P3D folder. Returning to Orbx Central  I then reinstalled Global Base, Libraries and LC, however, when I subsequently checked my sim folder there was still an Orbx folder there which seemed to contain Library and LC  files! (see attached snippets).  My check of E:\Orbx\Library showed two new folders, Libraries and LC. Before I go ahead and install more scenery files I am wondering if Global Base is properly installed and if so where? Furthermore, why do Libraries and LC appear both in the sim and in the new Library? Must I backtrack and start afresh?






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the easy way is to load Orbx Central and migrate all your products to the newly created Orbx Central Library

as explained in some detail in the user guide.

Global Base cannot be uninstalled because it has replaced the default textures and without them, the

simulator will not work.

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