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Strange Textures Showing After P3Dv4.5 Hotfix 2

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Hi, after installing Hotfix 2 I have some strange textures bleeding through in Australia V2. Some are trees in the water. Some are water where it should not be or a carpark in the middle of nowhere etc. I have tried a Re-synchronise to no avail. I have re-installed Australia V2 to no avail. The Scenery order looks fine and unchanged. I am at a loss? Is it an elevation issue? Is it to do with P3D default scenery coming through? It only seems to be happening in Australia and I have tested mainly in Tasmania. The Mainland of Australia has some anomalies but it appears much more widespread in Tasmania. Some examples attached. All help appreciated!



YCBG Errant Textures.JPG



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Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date, and I would do a verify files of them from within Orbx Central.


Then make sure Objectflow is installed and that there is only one instance of it as per the below topic.




I would then go to settings/help and run the Sync Simulator function.

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Ok, all done and Objectflow uninstalled and re-installed and only one occurrence of it. No change. I then suspected that an addon YMHB scenery might have caused it as the two airports are close by one another but uninstalled and no change there either. I am at a total loss. I disabled AU Green and Blue in the scenery library and the things are still there but one of them (the volcanic like thing) has same elevation issue but a different colour. Interesting? I uninstalled Auv2 and it went back to default of course but there is nothing like the weird textures. So back to where it all was now with the terrain issues still unsolved. I noticed that the default Aust scenery was enabled but disabling that did not do anything so I have set it back on. Any other ideas? Just by chance it is not a bug in Australia V2  by any chance. Perhaps you could check?


Thanks  Bernie

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Hi Bernie


Please post a copy of your “scenery.cfg” file and the “add-ons.cfg” and the “scenery_add-ons.xml” file found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4.


I hope you have uninstalled any other version of Orbx Australia such as green and blue?

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Ok, will do. I uninstalled ORBX Australia, Holger Mesh Australia and Tasmania Demo before I installed Australia V2 when it first came out. I just have  feeling that these rogue textures may have been there for some time though ie before the Hotfix. The Green and Blue I recently disabled were the V2 ones. All is back as it was now. I have provided the cfg's and xml below:-

add-ons.cfg scenery.cfg scenery_add-ons.xml

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Interesting. It is then just a buggy bit in AusV2 by the looks of it. Interesting that my buildings in the strange bit near 09 are flat on mine and upright on yours. I don't know if we want to go there eh Doug?


Thanks for at least stopping going fully crazy.





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