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ORBX TE GB South V2 installed but not added in my scenery library


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I today updated my TE GB South from V1 to V2 via Orbx Central (it was the first time I used it, so i removed the old FTX Central as suggested). ORBX Central says that the product is installed and up to date, but there is no entry for TE GB South in my P3Dv4 Scenery Library. Infact, when flying over England, I have only Global Base+VC+LC Europe, as usual. I checked in ORBX/FTX EU path and I have four folders, as shown below. So I assume there is something wrong with the activation of this scenery..




Any clues? I alos tried to add them manually, but it doesn't look to me to work properly (I never added manually a single ORBX scenery). The sim stucks at 6% and doesn't load...

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Well, I tried to sync the simulator, then I also uninstalled and reinstalled TE GB South V2 but still I can't see any entry in my P3Dv4 scenery library. I specifically selected the option to install it directly into P3Dv4, like i was used to do with FTX Central. ??????


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Good news :)


I reinstalled for the third time TE GB South V2 and now it appears in my Scenery Library and in the sim!


However, now I'm encountering another problem with this scenery, but I will open a separate thread for this issue.


Thank you













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