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Germany N/S Textures messed up after P3DV4.5 update HF2


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I have read some similar posts here, but the workaround stated there has not solved my problem and no specific solution was mentioned. I updated to P3dv4.5 HF2 yesterday, (content and scenery as well), and eversince I have weird texture tiles day/night water appearing in the Orbx Germany north and south Region. My specs:


P3dV4.5 Academic

ORBX Central 4.0.33

ORBX Global

ORBX Germany north and south

several other orbx local sceneries


Global vector is NOT installed!


The ORBX libraries are installed in the P3D main folder


The ORBX files library insertion point is directly after the P3Dv4.5 default scenery, as it has been eversince with no problems


This is what I have tried so far with no result / solution:


I had tomato shade installed.


-I have flushed the shaders and uninstalled tomatoshade / returned to the default shaders

- resynchronised the simulator via ORBX central

-redownloaded / verified Germany south and north


I have attached a screenshot what the night textures round EDDM look like.


Could you please have a look and help?

Thank you




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I tried to delete the main Scenery folder in P3Dv4.5 and restored it with a backup copy of my v4.4, now the problem seems to be gone! Do you have any Idea what files in the scenery folder impact the correct functioning of ORBX sceneries?



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13 hours ago, EDDM2 said:

I tried to delete the main Scenery folder in P3Dv4.5 and restored it with a backup copy of my v4.4, now the problem seems to be gone! Do you have any Idea what files in the scenery folder impact the correct functioning of ORBX sceneries?



the sledgehammer will always crack the nut.

My guess would have been one file.


That file is checked and replaced when the Orbx Libraries are installed or verified.

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11 hours ago, hjcurtis said:

I'm sure I saw a similar thread on one of the Australia forums and if you verify your Orbx Libraries you may find it sorts itself out.




I have done this allready with no effect for global as well as GES and GEN and the orbx libraries. Maybe I will try to re-copy the v4.5 scenery folder and check the impact of Iclookup.bgl

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