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Unable to install TerraFlora

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When trying to install TerraFlora, the blue progress bar appears and gets as far as 2/3's the way to being installed but then seems to not go any further. I have two copies of X-Plane 11 installed as well and I was not given a chance to tell the install what copy to install TerraFlora into.....how do I do this?


Question: How long should download take approximately?


On a very sad note, I am very sorry to see the fires in Australia......I have many friends there - my prayers are with the great folks in the great country of Australia......



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When you open Orbx Central (not FTX central as this is now more or less redundant) you will get an option of where to install the addon. If you have 2 installations of XP make sure you are choosing the right one by hovering your mouse over the section in my pic below to ensure you choose the right copy. You ask about download time but your original query is regarding incomplete installation. The download time is totally dependant on your internet speed, and installation of something small like Terra Flora should all be done within several minutes, but again dependant on the speed of your PC and HDD.

If the installation seems to be taking unusually long, I have found that if you come out of Orbx central and reboot the PC, then open Orbx central again after restart, it will continue with the installation process.

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