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Unable to install US Washington SD via FTX Central

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I purchased US Washington SD recently but cannot install it as it is not available in my FTX Central.

All three Washington products are showing as available and not installed although I only purchased

the SD product (see screenshot 1).

When I click on US Washington SD it says that there are no downloads available for this product (see screenshot 3).

The only product that shows an installation option is the HD version which I did not purchase (see further

screenshots 2 & 4)  and this will obviously not allow me to proceed as I do not have this license.


Please note that I have had a similar previous issue with the freeware EG20 Clench Common Field (Europe) in that 

that it says that there are no downloads available for this product.

(see screenshots 5 & 6)


Many Thanks


















Screenshot 1.png

Screenshot 2.png

Screenshot 3.png

Screenshot 4.png

Screenshot 5.png

Screenshot 6.png

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I've just invested in Oregon however I can't see how I download and install to the SSD where I have all of my Orbx stuff W Drive (Symbolic Link to Custom Scenery File on the Xplane Disk X Drive). There isn't enough space on the actual Xplane drive and if I select the Main Library Option there isn't enough space there either.I tried the manual download option but I can't figure out how to perform the task. The W drive has TB's left but how do I point to it?


Does that make sense:(


Any help really appreciated



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Please see the User Manual on the this page near the bottom:




Creating a library

The first time you start Central, you will be prompted to create a library. If you would like to create more libraries, you can do this by going to Settings > Libraries and clicking “create a new library”.


This will prompt you to choose a name and an install location for this library.


There are a few requirements when choosing a library location:

  • You cannot choose a location that is within a simulator’s root directory.

  • You cannot place a library at the root of a volume (you’ll need to create a directory). This means a location like D:\ is invalid, but D:\Library is valid.

  • You cannot choose a directory that already contains files.

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