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Blue Circular wall around EGLC

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Hello everyone, a happy new year to you all, 


I've attached a screenshot for you all to see. Have any of you come across this issue before? I've had a quick sift 


Orbx London City Airport scenery (I also have a similar problem with LatinVFR's LEMD). 


I also have installed Base, Vector, Airport Pack and Lights Configurator. 


I do have a selection of UK2000 airports but I don't keep them all on at once. I select between the airports I'm flying to. 


Could this be a computer issue?


Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.81 GHz

8.00GB installed RAM

64bit operating system

GeForce GTX 1050 Version 430.86


I have lowered settings, played with individual settings, I've forced migration and cleared the shaders cache and scenery cache. 


Am I missing something? Is it a simple fix I've over looked?


Look forwards to your help!



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1 minute ago, Smudger said:

Hello partandroid, welcome to the forums.

If you have P3Dv4 as your simulator, have you got Menu  - Navigation - Navigation Visuals ticked, if so untick it.


See, I knew it was something simple I'd overlooked. 


I had not got navigation visuals ticked. But for some reason in the menu airports was selected. 


However, only LEMD and EGLC were circled. 


A massive thank you to yourself regardless! 

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