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Very Sparse Autogen near the Gherkin and Cheesegrater in London with Orbx TEGB South for P3D

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I happen to notice that the region in the vicinity of the well-known landmarks the Gherkin and Cheesegrater near the River Thames in London have very sparse autogen (no trees, very few buildings). I have eliminated the possibility of influences from other addons by disabling the lot and the problem still occurs. My settings in P3D v4.5 are very dense for buildings and vegetation and very dense for scenery complexity. The screenshot below illustrates the problem.




The majority of the other areas in London City center are well populated with autogen, with the exception of the area opposite to the Houses of Parliament on the other side of the Thames. Is this how Orbx TEGB should be in the area (as has been created), or should I seeing more buildings/trees in these regions?

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Here I see the same with Dense. If you set it to Very Dense the Houses of Parlement will show up and several other buildings.


The space you mentioned on the other site of the Thames is indeed with little objects/AG but imho that is done because the Big Ben, Houses of Parlement, London Eye area is the most heavy part of the whole TE GB series.


See my screenshot were all my 8 Fs cores are maxing out when being in this area.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/cxym2l1a4zuudrt/Foto 29-12-2019 12 28 25.jpg?dl=0


Regards, Gerard


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4 hours ago, Cannow said:

they are there you have to set your scenary complexity to extremely desnse to show . Be prepared for the tank in fps though.


Thanks for the advice. Notched up the slider to extremely dense for scenery complexity and these areas are now populated with trees and buildings. The downside is that I now have floating buildings on the other side of the Thames from the Houses of Parliament. If you know any tricks to sort out this issue, then any advice is welcome. Furthermore (and remarkably) I have good fps despite high settings. 

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On 12/31/2019 at 3:09 PM, LecLightning56 said:

The downside is that I now have floating buildings on the other side of the Thames from the Houses of Parliament.


Unfortunately not. Can happen now and then in P3D and the problem will most likely be gone the next time you fly there again.




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