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AU v2 Broken Scenery

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Hi Orbx Support,


Greetings! I am writing to inquire about an issue of broken scenery I experience. Having had AU v2 installed and configured via FTX Central v3, I noticed that the scenery seemed to be corrupted. It looked like a different layer popping up and covering another layer. The attached screen captures are showing what I saw when overflying area near YPPF Parafield.


As this issue does not exist in another computer I managed, I wonder if it was caused by scenery library order. Other than Orbx's scneries, I currently have Black Marble installed.


I look forward to your advice.




Annotation 2019-12-27 232920.png

Annotation 2019-12-27 233019.png

Annotation 2019-12-27 233045.png

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I had this problem with AU v2 in the vicinity of Sydney International Airport. I ran the "Delete Generated Files" command in P3D v4.5 root folder and let P3D rebuild everything. This initially had the effect of somehow pulling the plug on all water and ocean, but once having reinstalled AU v2 in Orbx Central by verifying the installation, everything is normal now. Not sure if this helps but it worked for me.

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3 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Hi Anson


Have you unistalled AU v1, Holgermesh and the Tasmania Demo? If not you will need to.

Hi! I have never had AU v1.


4 hours ago, LecLightning56 said:

I had this problem with AU v2 in the vicinity of Sydney International Airport. I ran the "Delete Generated Files" command in P3D v4.5 root folder and let P3D rebuild everything. This initially had the effect of somehow pulling the plug on all water and ocean, but once having reinstalled AU v2 in Orbx Central by verifying the installation, everything is normal now. Not sure if this helps but it worked for me.

Thanks. I will try verifying the products like what you did and see :)

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Hi Anson


Yes there is, and as an official support staff member I would highly recommend that you use the new app called Orbx Central to manage your products as per the below topic. It will uninstall FTX Central 3 for you and leave your installed products untouched.


But first before uninstalling FTXC3, ensure you have uninstalled Australia V1, the Tasmania Demo, and the AU Holgermesh if you had them installed previously.


When you first run Orbx Central, go to settings/general and uncheck the two behavior options.


Then You will need to go to settings/Libraries and create a new Library in a location of your choosing, this is required for the installation of ObjectFlow  for Orbx Central, then it will be installed and use 7mb of space in that new folder, and everything will work properly. You do not need to use this folder for anything else, Orbx Central will then give you the choice to install your products to that folder or to the root simulator folder.


Then go to "My Products" and navigate down to the Orbx Libraries and run a verify files of them.

Then go to settings/help and run the Sync Simulator function.

Then go to "My Products" and run a verify files of your other Orbx Products.


Then you can go to settings/Insertion Point and set them like this.

Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in Orbx Central Insertion points "Orbx Airports and Regions”, put your last non Orbx 3rd party listed in your scenery library addon in the INSERTED BELOW window.

Then for the "Orbx Global openLC” ensure the Orbx Airports and Regions are in the INSERTED BELOW window.





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Hi Doug,


Thanks for your advice on Orbx Central. However, I prefer install it after I solve the issue of the scenery, unless it is required by AU v2. Otherwise, if something messes up when setting up Orbx Central, it will be more difficult for me to troubleshoot.


 Do you find any possible cause of the issue?




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Hi Anson


I would first disable Black Marble and do a rebuild of your P3D shaders. Ensure you have uninstalled Australia V1, the Tasmania Demo, and the AU Holgermesh if you had them installed previously




Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date. (is there a blue notification above the settings button in FTXC3?)


Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.

Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".




Then run the "Force Migration" option in FTXC3 settings.


Then, if you have Vector installed, there is a Vector control panel access button at the bottom of the FTXC3 settings page. When you open it you can select the amount of road coverage etc, be sure to uncheck the "Frozen Surface (in winter only)"option, and check the Australia Add-Ons under the “Settings” tab, then go to the Airport Elevation Correction (AEC tool) tab and run the auto configuration process and be sure to click on "Appy" when it is done scanning.

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Thank you Doug.


3 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.

Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".

This is exactly my setting.


4 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Ensure you have uninstalled Australia V1, the Tasmania Demo, and the AU Holgermesh if you had them installed previously

I purchased AU v1 a long time ago but didn’t install it. It is confirmed as FTX Central 3 showed that ”not installed “.


When installing the bottom three, there was no single warning. Yet P3D failed to start with the splash screen simply disappearing, until I went into FTX Central 3 and clicked “start migration”. Since then, area near YPPF suffers from the issue of night blocks.


10 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date.



13 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

disable Black Marble and do a rebuild of your P3D shaders

Tried but issue persists.


Thanks very much.



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Please run the force migration option in FTXC3 settings.


Also, Please post a copy of your “scenery.cfg” file and the “add-ons.cfg” and the “scenery_add-ons.xml” file found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4.


12 minutes ago, Anson Cheung said:

When installing the bottom three, there was no single warning.

What are you referring to here? "bottom three" ?

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1 minute ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

What are you referring to here? "bottom three" ?

Sorry I forgot to put them here: Au v2, CityScene Gold Coast and Gold Coast Airport. These three were installed together.


2 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Please run the force migration option in FTXC3 settings.

Do you mean the page of “Unified Migration”? If yes, I have done it.


4 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Please post a copy of your “scenery.cfg” file and the “add-ons.cfg” and the “scenery_add-ons.xml” file found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4.

I will post them here when I get back home. Thanks a lot.

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Firstly, I disabled all AU related entries in scenery library. After doing this, the issue is gone.


Secondly, I enabled them one by one and saw if the issue came back. The issue came back just after I enabled FTXAU48_CUSTOM back.


In other words, 

With everything checked = black textures

With everything checked except FTXAU48_CUSTOM = no black textures



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Update 2:


FTXAU48_CUSTOM entry had been temporary disabled in sim’s scenery library for troubleshooting.


Then, I notice a empty folder named “OFF” in FTXAU48_CUSTOM\texture. I deleted the folder, enabled FTXAU48_CUSTOM back in scenery library and checked again. Unfortunately the issue still persisted. Yet, the “OFF” folder was generated again and this time with some files inside. Does it imply something?

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Hi Anson


The four entries called FTXAU18_CUSTOM, FTXAU28_CUSTOM, FTXAU38_CUSTOM, FTXAU48_CUSTOM are part of Australia V1, they need to be uninstalled.


Your insertion points are not set correctly, I see tons of non Orbx 3rd party addons below the OpenLC entries.

Also, Please reactivate the OpenLC lights entry.

I would also disable Your Envtex for troubleshooting.

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Really?! I’m pretty sure I didn’t install AU v1 even though I had purchased it. It is also shown as “not installed” in FTX Central 3. Why do those four entries exist?


As to insertion point and OpenLC entries, another add-on Black Marble requires me to set “OpenLC should be inserted below” = FTX. But should I move the third-party sceneries up above?

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34 minutes ago, Anson Cheung said:

Really?! I’m pretty sure I didn’t install AU v1 even though I had purchased it. It is also shown as “not installed” in FTX Central 3. Why do those four entries exist?


Yes really...FTXC3 is also not perfect...the new app Orbx Central is actually smarter and able to detect if AUv1 is still present, this is one reason why I recommended it. The new app called Orbx Central also has the ability to make the payware airports compatible with AUv2 which FTXC3 cannot.


38 minutes ago, Anson Cheung said:

But should I move the third-party sceneries up above?


Yes, all third party non Orbx entries should be at the top of your scenery library above the FTX block.

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39 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Orbx Central also has the ability to make the payware airports compatible with AUv2 which FTXC3 cannot.

May I know how it is achieved?


I have some concern with Orbx Central:

  • any way to remove FTX Central 3 completely before the installation of Orbx Central?
  • I heard the co-existence of FTX Central 3 and Orbx Central causes some issues in the sim, how to prevent them from happening based on what we currently know?
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On 1/5/2020 at 2:08 AM, Doug Sawatzky said:

But first before uninstalling FTXC3, ensure you have uninstalled Australia V1, the Tasmania Demo, and the AU Holgermesh if you had them installed previously.

Is Orbx Central able to uninstall AU v1? Or I have to uninstall Au v1 first?

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Orbx Central will recognize it is installed and notify you to uninstall it, but in your case it seems some elements are already gone and Orbx Central may not recognize this, for example, if FTXC3 say's it is uninstalled then that means just the versions.txt could be missing but the rest of it will still be installed. So it might be best to just fully reinstall it so all the elements are present then uninstall it. Then check in your  P3Dv4/ORBX/FTX_AU folder to confirm there are no FTXAU items.


Or just look for these four items in your P3Dv4/ORBX/FTX_AU folder and delete them.






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Thank you! I will try when I get back home.


Btw, there are two boxes in AU v2 control panel which are not checked by default. I found the control panel did not save my settings after I had checked those two boxes. How can I tackle this?


 Appreciate your help!

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Sorry, I have no idea, I do not have FTXC3 installed anymore (it will be getting phased out very soon)....you should be using Orbx Central with AUv2 it probably has a different control panel, other than that, usually uninstalling and reinstalling the product fixes control panel issues.


Ausv2 1.PNG

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No consequence, this is normal, Global base is not an addon it is a default texture replacement and should be left in the sim root folder.


And just because you use Orbx Central does not mean you have to use the .xml install method to an outside location...you can install OC and leave everything in it's current location.

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I think I found something important.


 After installation of Orbx Central, I verified all products including AU v2. Then, the four AU v1 folders we had discussed did appear again in FTX_AU folder.


 So, I guess the verification of AU v2 will bring legacy files back, believably causing scenery issues.


 Is it really safe to simply delete FTXAU18_18_CUSTOM, FTXAU18_28_CUSTOM, FTXAU18_38_CUSTOM and FTXAU18_48_CUSTOM? I worry deleting it will cause scenery corruption since the sim may want them loaded in but they are not in-place.

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