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After Vector, Buildings, and Tree install other scenery gone


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After I installed the above mentioned products my entire Chicago area has become nothing but trees and buildings. KORD is gone, Lake Michigan has been dried up and turned into city streets and buildings. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. The first pic is KORD or what use to be, and 2nd pic is over Lake Michigan.



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I have now tried to uninstall Vector and buildings and delete scenery.cfg to recreate and my scenery is still all messed up. Can you please point me in the right direction for help. Do I need to reinstall my 3rd party scenery again? why cant I revert back to my old scenery after uninstall? 

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The pictures posted below. first picture plane is sitting on RWY 28R at OHARE Airport. Does this look like a runway? 2nd picture is flying over LAKE MICHIGAN, where there should be water and a shoreline. Instead you see what I see. 



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I did as you said. No change. It is any airport I go to. Everything has ben blanketed with grass, buildings, and trees. No matter where I go. I even uninstalled VECTOR and BUILDINGS and rebuilt the scenery.cfg and still no change. I need a fix for this. At least back to where I was. VERY frustrating. How can I completely remove and get back to what I had. Just ORBX base?

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I deleted the terrain.cfg as requested. That made no change. I uninstalled everything ORBX, repaired p3d scenery, reinstalled 3rd party scenery, and then reinstalled ORBX products again. All is working now. Really disappointed by what ORBX calls support. My first post clearly stated what was wrong and you ask for a copy of scenery.cfg file. To which you answered no problems found and then proceed to ask "What kind of problems are you seeing please?" Which tells me, you didn't even bother looking through what I took time to write out. After 3 days of getting one resolution messages from you, I ended up fixing it myself. Seems to be the story with all these companies from the UK. VABASE, CRAZY CREATIVES, and now ORBX. Are you all run by the same people? Anyway, At least your product works. Thanks

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while I regret that the support is not up to the standard you expect, we do need to

rule out certain things and an incorrect scenery library order is one of them.

A corrupt texture config file is another.

Much of this product support is not as simple as customers sometimes assume and

additionally, there are often several potential reasons behind the same problem and

finding the right one can be a process of elimination.

I apologise for asking the same question twice, no one is perfect and I am no exception.


No doubt you have a good reason for opening a new forum account.

Should I close the edodd account for you?




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