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X-Plane 11 immediate crash because of the plugin: SAM/lin_x64/SAM.xpl


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I have been using the SAM plugin for a while with numerous Orbx sceneries, but today after buying three more sceneries and apparent updating of existing libraries and sceneries, X-Plane 11.41 crashed almost immediately after startup, with the log.txt giving me this message:

[AOS] [2019-12-24.02:15:55 PM] :> Loading AOS
--=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: SAM/lin_x64/SAM.xpl}==--


Removing the SAM plugin allowed X-Plane to work. Also, if I remove the "new" version of the SAM plugin (SAM.xpl is 3.0 MB) and replace the SAM folder with an older version I had saved to another drive (SAM.xpl is 5.4 MB), X-Plane 11 now starts normally and SAM.xpl loads.


Attached is the log.txt file. 


Running on:

Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS 64-bit

Memory: 32 gigs

AMD® Ryzen 5 1600 six-core processor × 12

GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2




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Sorry to hear about your SAM problem. I cannot answer directly as to the cause of the issue. I believe the latest SAM update was more of a file structure change plus Seasons, so I cannot confirm if anything else changed. There has been a fairly extensive post relating to SAM in the link below, especially regarding the installation method of SAM. I may suggest that you use the older version of SAM until this issue with the new version is resolved by advice from one of the devs. I do believe that v2 of SAM is now installed when required in an addon like Orbx EGNM Leeds/Bradford. Did you independently install the new version of SAM or via an update to an Orbx addon that requires SAM? If SAM was already installed then for example, installing EGNM would not include the SAM installation. Try uninstalling SAM altogether, obviously keeping a copy of the working older version, and then either uninstall your copy of EGNM or run the Verify Files option for EGNM. Orbx Central should notice you don't have SAM installed and will download the version required. If that doesn't solve the issue then use the working version.

Merry Christmas to you.


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10 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:


... I believe the latest SAM update was more of a file structure change plus Seasons... [NOTED] ... I may suggest that you use the older version of SAM until this issue with the new version is resolved by advice from one of the devs.[DONE] I do believe that v2 of SAM is now installed when required in an addon like Orbx EGNM Leeds/Bradford. Did you independently install the new version of SAM or via an update to an Orbx addon that requires SAM? If SAM was already installed then for example, installing EGNM would not include the SAM installation. [LOOKS LIKE IT DID ANYWAY] Try uninstalling SAM altogether, obviously keeping a copy of the working older version, and then either uninstall your copy of EGNM or run the Verify Files option for EGNM. [DONE] Orbx Central should notice you don't have SAM installed and will download the version required. If that doesn't solve the issue then use the working version. [ISSUE NOT SOLVED. USING OLDER WORKING VERSION]

Merry Christmas to you.



Thanks Jon,


As a matter of fact, yesterday I did buy and install EGNM Leeds/Bradford, and after that the SAM issue occurred. The SAM plugin must have been updated using the Orbx Central application during the EGNM install. When I uninstall SAM, the app says it's uninstalled, but the files are still in place, so I removed the new SAM folder from plugins and replaced it with the old SAM. There are more files in the new SAM folder and the new SAM.xpl is smaller. If I remove the SAM folder entirely and reinstall SAM through the app, the new SAM folder reappears. 


As with many problems using Linux when Linux is built or compiled in another environment like Windows, Linux is exact in whether capitalization is used in file names, especially since now there are multiple new files to contend with. I doubt missing libraries, but that's also possible.


Merry Christmas to you too.



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I also notice that when I uninstall both SAM plugin and the Scenery libraries using the Orbx Central app, then reinstall them, that the version number for the SAM plugin is 2.0.2, but the SAM_Library in the Custom Scenery folder is version 2.0.1. I don't know if this makes any difference, but it might.



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On 12/25/2019 at 10:40 AM, wsgrabowski said:

I also notice that when I uninstall both SAM plugin and the Scenery libraries using the Orbx Central app, then reinstall them, that the version number for the SAM plugin is 2.0.2, but the SAM_Library in the Custom Scenery folder is version 2.0.1. I don't know if this makes any difference, but it might.




Since I noticed the difference in the version numbers between the SAM plugin and the SAM_Library in the Custom Scenery folder, I wondered if the Orbx Central app was not properly installing SAM, or it wasn't the latest version. So... I went to the x-plane.org  https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/49066-sam-scenery-animation-manager/  and found that there was a very recent update to SAM with the following changes:


What's New in Version 2.0.2

Released Sunday at 08:06 PM

  • Hotfix for linux CTD [23.12.19]
  • Added macOS version
  • Fixed linux for older glibc versions
  • Added WorldJetways extension to Steam
  • Added SSG 748 v2 configuration
  • Added option to disable automatic library addition
  • Fixed missing animation entries on control page

I therefore download this version and placed the SAM plugin into the X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/ folder (which now has the SAM_Library folder in the lib folder of the SAM plugin, and where I kept it , not moving it to the Custom Scenery folder). I also noted that the version number for the plugin and the SAM_Library are now the same: 2.0.2. And bingo! It works. X-Plane 11 no longer crashes on startup.



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