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After Ubdate Central to ....31 Addon-Scenerydisaster again... !!!


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It is not possible to fix this problem ???
This is the second time after Orbx Central Ubdatet and pushes all Orbx products to the top of the list. 
All addon airports from third party providers are no longer working. 
Iff u make Airports&Region below last Addon Airport all is working then. 
But Never set OpenLC blow anything iff u do ur P3D Loadingtime of Scenery crows up from 2min to 45min !!

But why is this Problem Unfixable in new Release, every Ubdate the same Problems again ????

Central Ubdate destroy scenery cfg and make all Orbx Produkts to the top.... Same like last Ubdate .....27 and now .....31 again... !





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I have already solved the problem myself. 
Last but not least, I reinstalled all the airports and it worked without having set the insert point without any problems !!!!
The log file won't help you here. Because I've already set the insert point again.
Now No Problems until the next Ubdate comes from Orbx, then I have to set the insert-point over and over again.
I think the problem is the Ubdate from OrbxCentral. 
It resets everything and, so OrbxGlobal get auto to the Top of the List every Ubdate.





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