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TE Washington SD Not Installing Correctly


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Hi, I have tried numerous installations of TE Washington SD and cannot get this to load properly. When i start X-plane 11, I get a message saying that it was unable to find some files and the scenery could not load correctly. I have downloaded and installed through Central, I have downloaded and installed manually through Central, but still cannot get this to work. I have looked at previous posts and have verified i have 26,698 files with no jpegs, but the download size is only 33GB. I have completely uninstalled the scenery and tried again, same thing happens. I have verified the files in Central and get a green tick, but it still doesn't load correctly.


Please help, I have run out of options. I have attached my log file.


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You seem to missing many files in the TE Washington Custom folder or something is masking the contents.

Your scenery-packs.ini needs rearranging if is is layered as exampled in your LOg. Attach your scenery_packs.ini. Also advise what the size of your TE Washington SD Custom folder is . I have the SD version and my TE Washington/Custom folder is:


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Without yet another attempt at a fresh install, you need to try the Verify Files option for the addon. When you have done that, check again the size of the TE Washington/Custom file to see if it has  reached the 4.29GB size. Then run XP and exit. Then attach your scenry_packs.ini and I will check it.


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I have fixed the issue. It seems that a previous download had corrupted, meaning that when i uninstalled the files to try re-installing, some files/folders were left behind.


I repaired the disk removed all remaining files, re-installed and verified and everything seems to be working now.

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