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OK I'm sick and tired of the Orbx airports being elevated.  I have ran Airport elevations a kazillion times.  Mesh is at 5.  I followed the advise given by from my last complaint about elevations and put my scenery on order that they recommended.  The only thing I can think of is that it may be caused by not having the airports inside the simulator.  I have mine in a separate file which was an option when I had to redownload them after I reinstalled P3D4.  I am at wits end and I am tired of having to try to fix thing more often then I get to fly.  


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Hi Jeff


Are you opted into FastLane and using the latest version of Orbx Central?


Also, Please post a copy of your “scenery.cfg” file and the “add-ons.cfg” and the “scenery_add-ons.xml” file found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4.

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I see you have two Vector installations, one in the simulator Orbx Folder, and one in a Orbx Library outside the simulator.

I also see you are trying to use a couple different scenery.cfg files, one with Vector and no mesh product, and one with no Vector and a mesh product.

All your scenery.cfg files seem to have different elements deactivated.


So to me this is an unmanageable scenario you have created for yourself. 

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I would recommend installing everything in the simulator Orbx folder.

So delete everything in the  C:\Users\bodea\Orbx Library\p3dv4 folder except Orbx ObjectFlow. So keep that folder for Orbx ObjectFlow only for know.

Then delete all of the scenery.cfg files and only use one and keep everything activated when you run the Vector AEC tool. If you have more than one scenery.cfg with different items deactivated, running Vector AEC tool " kazillion times" will only cause you increased grief, no wonder you are at your wits end.

Then run the simulator once so it will recreate a new scenery.cfg file.

Then reinstall your products in the simulator Orbx folder. I would also run a verify files on all your Orbx products, especially Vector. 

Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date, and I would do a verify files of them from within Orbx Central.

I would then go to settings/help and run the Sync Simulator function.

 Then you can go to settings/Insertion Point and set them like this.

Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in Orbx Central Insertion points "Orbx Airports and Regions”, put your last non Orbx 3rd party listed in your scenery library addon in the INSERTED BELOW window.

Then for the "Orbx Global openLC” ensure the Orbx Airports and Regions are in the INSERTED BELOW window.


FastLane can be found at settings/my account...if you opt in you will be offered the latest version of Orbx Central. There is also a user guide found at settings/help/user guide.


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