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How to remove Orbx photoreal airfield texture (True Earth GB)


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True Earth GB South is an amazing product, but I'd like to use various self-developed military airfields from the 1980s/90s instead of the photoreal textures that are part of the product. For example, I have EGDA (RAF Brawdy). I can adapt the airfield in ADE 1.76 to fit the position it occupies in TE, apply excludes to get rid of the Orbx buildings, and adjust the elevation so that it blends reasonably well. But I'd really like to get rid of the photoreal texture of the airfield, which isn't exactly aligned with my version, and which shows details inappropriate for the period I wish to portray.


In earlier Orbx products, the Airfield Background files were discrete and could be turned off, but I can't find a similar file and mechanism in TE. Is it possible?

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the whole of the TEGB product is photo scenery, so there is nothing that can be excluded in

the way that you refer to.

You will always have an image on the ground and in the case of the vast majority of second

world war airports, it will look absolutely nothing like it did in the 1940's.

The only option is to tailor the addon airports to fit the scenery but even then, I would think

that they would look odd.

I don't think that any photo scenery product will be suited to replicating airfields that are long gone.





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Thanks Nick. I'm not trying to recreate WW2 scenery, just Cold War (between 1980 and 1995) stuff, so the disused layouts depicted on the photoreal layer are fine from that point of view - the airfields I'm interested in are, even now, very much as they were when they were retired, with a few exceptions. But if I want my airfield to fit, I guess either I revert to the EU:England/Wales etc products, or I adapt the ADE airfields to exactly fit the TE photoreal background.

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