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Failing reinstalling openLC NorthAmericaAlaska


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I had to reïnstall the ORBX files after a PC crash. First I did base pack  and buidings, then the open LC. When I click on my products I see them all. Trying to download and install openLC europe is working, but when I try openLC North AmericaAlaska, i see first :   "product owned" , but when i click on Install, I get the message : " There are no builds available for this product" . I am working with P3Dv4 and ORBX central.    How can I install this item ? Joop




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Thanks Nick, I downloaded and installed FTX central, but with the same result. It occurs in my products list, but when I start downloading, the message is, that the product is not available anymore.  But I did pay for that. And I don't need the total NorthAmerica . So the question is , how to get OPENLC NorthAmerica/Alaska again? , Joop

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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @phmak,


If you still have Orbx Central installed, can you attach your central.log file after encountering the 'no builds available' error so we look into this further for you?

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