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Hi all,


Last week I had to reinstall Windows 10 due to an unrecoverable bluescreen error.  This has wiped any trace of P3DV4 off my C drive even though I actually installed it onto my A drive where all my addons are.


I have downloaded and installed FTX Central, but when I run it it's asking for the simulator type and of course it doesn't recognise any simulator installed.  Does this mean I have to have P3D reinstalled in order for FTX Central to work - even though I have quite a few ORBX products downloaded and which were installed into the sim.


Which leads me onto my actual ORBX products - will I have to reinstall them all or can I backup the ORBX files off my A drive and when I have reinstalled P3D just copy the files back onto the A drive?


Many thanks,



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FTX and Orbx Central cannot see P3D until it has been installed and run once.

If you install P3Din the same palce, the installer(s) should see the products that are there already.

However, you will need to reinstall Global Base, HD trees and the Orbx Libraries.

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