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Buildings and houses have been flattened


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Yesterday I opened ORBX Central to check for updates, and saw that KTVL had been updated, so I figured it was safe to install Hotfix 2 of P3D v4.5. I uninstalled the previous client and installed the HF2 client. I uninstalled the old then reinstalled the new, HF2 content, then the scenery files. I launched P3Dv4 HF2 and flew my A2A from Anacortes to Arlington, Washington. I noticed that the scenery looked a bit flat, but otherwise, the flight went fine. The scenery looked really flat while flying the pattern around my home field, Arlington (KAWO). I must have done something wrong during the uninstalling and installing described above, so I completely uninstalled HF2 and went back to the previous version of P3D v4.5. Uh-oh; still the same. I tried uninstalling that, then installing P3D v4.5 HF2, and the result was exactly the same - no better, no worse. At least the problem with funny bumps all over South Tahoe (KTVL) are fixed, but it's a drag flying over my Snoqualmie Valley with all the houses gone. 


Here are a couple comparison shots:








I've got Global BASE Pack, Buildings HD, Trees HD, Vector, Open LC Europe, Mesh SA, NA, and SA, all the regions in the US, and just about all the airports in the Western US. I haven't changed the location of the library or changed the order of anything in the library from what it was when it was working. Everything was working great until I did that bit of deleting, the reinstalling, client, content, and scenery of P3D v 4.5 HF2.  Any thoughts as to what I did wrong, but more importantly, how do I get my scenery back to where it was? 


Thank you


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Thank you for getting back. I followed the links. Now I know that I'm not the only one. Hopefully "somebody who knows something*" will provide a simple solution.


*A never-to-be-forgotten phrase uttered by my wife during a particularly nasty plumbing adventure many years ago... This is a whole 'nother story.



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Guys: I carefully read the links posted above by Mfannee, and tried some of the stuff that was discussed. First I tried verifying all my Global scenery files. I even downloaded and started FTX Central 3. It showed that I need to update several scenery elements that apparently were up-to-date with ORBX Central. I didn't update anything because I had to start getting ready for a multiplayer flight with the A2A Misfit Squadron. We get together every Sunday at 1800 Zulu, and I didn't want to miss it. So I loaded up JoinFS, Discord, Active Sky, then P3D. As P3D launched a popup asked me if I wanted to delete ORBX central, so I deleted it. Started with a default aircraft and then switched to my A2A T-6 at the designated airport. The scenery in the Bahamas looked OK, but it was hard to tell for sure, because our flight was mostly over the ocean as we hopped from island to island. After our flight I moved my T-6 back to my normal parking spot on the ramp at Arlington, and my buildings were back! Right now everything is working fine. I wish I knew exactly what I did to bring it back, but I can't say exactly which thing was the thing that did it. Maybe just flying around in a completely different area let ORBX Central shuffle and fix my local autogen stuff. 


So, my crisis is past. Thank you for your help.



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