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ORBX Central Frustration, Help


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I'm having issues stopping a download. The download from the Central App was taking almost 16 hours to download 5GB. I went and manually downloaded my files in a matter of an hour or two. I then tried to stop the download but it just sits at cancelling download. I uninstalled everything mutliple times but its still there.

How can I stop the download so I can install my scenery. Also, why is the CDN so dang slow?


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welcome to the forums.

I find that the download will cancel if you first close Orbx Central.

Make sure that it is actually closed and not just minimised to the taskbar.

Then open it again, select downloads from the lower left of the window and cancel it/them.

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Hi Nick


I am also having this problem. I have tried restarting Central numerous times, I have logged out and back in again. I have restarted whilst logged out and I have even uninstalled Central and re-installed it, but everytime I restart Central the download has hung and I cannot cancel it.

This is very frustrating as I can't install any of my new libraries as they are all queued behind this install/cancellation.


Please help.

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That didn't work. It finally stopped after I removed every inch of it from the computer. I don't understand why its taking so long to install. It took 19 hours to download and its 7 hours into the install process. Is there anyway to just get this accomplished outside of Orbx Central? I installed a bunch of stuff from it previously without any issues now though its slower than slow. I have a blazing machine too, 4.8GHZ, 64GB RAM, 2080TI, dual m.2 Samsungs 970's so its not my machines and my connection is a solid 70MBPS.

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Can anyone give me advice on this. Can we manually extract the "chunks" from the .c4? It took 6 hours to move 2%. Its def not my Samsung 970 because I just checked and its doing fine with other files. I love Orbx but if this is how things are going to continue to work, Ill never be able to use it!

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Guest Josh Koz



Can you attach your Central.log file when you encounter this issue? If you suspect that the download has hung, restarting Central should get it resume again.

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All the sudden about two hours ago it went from 43% to 100%. I then downloaded TU Washington HD and the Expansion in less than 15 minutes. Not sure what happened but it just started working out of nowhere. Were you guys having issues with your CDN? 

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Guest Josh Koz



We had one of our CDN regions go offline temporarily for maintenance. It's likely you had connected to a distant CDN location during this time resulting in the slower speeds you had encountered.

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