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Dynamic 3D Autogen Vegetation


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Hello ,


Could someone please tell me how can I disable Dynamic 3D Autogen Vegetation ?

I am running Prepar3DV4.5 and whatever I do tick or Untick them in the Sim I can still see default 3D Tress !!





I have also Checked Into Prepar3d cfg. Under Scenery if :

 AUTOGEN_VEGETATION_TYPE=0  but I can See =1   .  Then I start my sim i Untick 3D Vegetation start my sim and Nothing Happens !!

Still Dynamic Vegetation is Visible !!


Any help will be appreciated



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Could you please have a look at the shots below :







I just did a flight around ENRY and I am not sure whether or not there are 3D Dynamic Vegetation Trees !

I have Also Installed Terraflora plus ORBX Trees !



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2 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


your second shots do not look like speed trees.

The easiest way is to Y key to one and see if it looks like a cross from the top down.

If so, it is not a speed tree.

Most Probably in my first shots , there is a conflict around LCLK with an Addon Airport ( Not Sure !! ) .

I Think that everywhere else everything is fine and no speed trees are Visible !

I will do some more checks tomorrow and I will let you know !


Thank you for your reply ,



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