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ALL Products I have are de-installed

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Hello there 


I am a bit desperate right now. I am an ORBX FTX user for more years now. Never had this issue. An hour ago I exit P3Dv4. Now I started it up again, and I got lots of ORBX errors. Please have a look at the image. I have a lot of products. Global Range, Regions and airports. 


I have to reinstall all of them. That will take me hours and hours. Before I do so, can anyone of you tell me what might have caused this please.


Thanks and regards,

Ed Koorevaar


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Hi Nick,


Thanks for this reply


It is completely vanished. It was in my P3D folder. Gone now,..

I realy do not know how this happpened. It looks like a virus. This is for me a reason now to remove P3D and reinstall it. And I install ORBX again. It is no longer reliable.


Best regards,


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A very good tip! Nick


The folder has been moved from the root in P3D to a folder called propdefs???. I will move it back and check if all will work again, also in the ORBX central, where at this moment all has to be install again


Thanks for this. And I have never thought of it searching for it


All the best,


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Hello Nick


This is hopefull. No errors anylonger and in ORBX Central all of my stuff is marked as Installed. But in the Library they are all gone. Is there a way to get all Sceneries back into the P3D library that you might know/suggest?


For now, again you were a great help.




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