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Catalyst 10.3 Drivers for 5870 gives incredible performance boost!


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I have spent most of the weekend flying using the new 10.3 preview drivers and they are unreal. I now average 40-70 fps in Vancouver and a solid 70 elsewhere and thats with fairly full settings. Also I feel the image has improved and has a more solid look to it somehow. Overall a massive performance increase for me. Anyone else tried them?

I will post a video tomorrow showing this (although fraps still eats away at fps).

To diverge slightly, FTX should be paid by the Canadian tourist board. I booked my partner and I a holdiay to Vancouver for Easter!! I'm sure Orbx's PNW scenery helped influence my choice of destination somewhat!! I can't wait. In the meantime I will fly around picking out places to drive to when I get there! ;D


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You'll love Victoria, it's beautiful and full of rich architecture. Albeit isn't as old as the architecture like in the old world (Europe), but still amazing to look at.

I also agree with the Cat 10.3 drivers increase. My 4850x2 gives me atleast 5 more FPS over Seattle with no changes except the drivers!

If you get a chance, make sure you get on a whale-watching tour of the San Juans, just take a raincoat...


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thanks guys!

Dowloaded last night (the 10.3a beta). Will install (and cross my fingers tonight). Hoping it will make my 4870X2 sing a bit more!

I rolled back to older drivers awhile ago to get rid of blurries. If I read correctly these newer drivers also bring back AF.

Just hoping for painless install and not a few hours lost on tweaking.

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thanks guys!

Dowloaded last night (the 10.3a beta). Will install (and cross my fingers tonight). Hoping it will make my 4870X2 sing a bit more!

I rolled back to older drivers awhile ago to get rid of blurries. If I read correctly these newer drivers also bring back AF.

Just hoping for painless install and not a few hours lost on tweaking.

Since you're using a CrossfireX card like mine make sure you DL and install the latest Crossfire Libraries available from the same website that I posted above. ATi is doing their Crossfire different now, instead of updating Crossfire libraries with every driver update they are doing it separate so that us Crossfire users can update more often!

I've also found with this new driver set that I can actually set FIBER_TIME_FRACTION to .10 and TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULTI to 130 making no blurries but a jump of 8 in FPS. Give it a try and see what you get!


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i also updated my 10.2 ati driver to 10.3 im certain that im now pulling an extra 5 frames,tho all i did is install thoses new driver ,without uninstalling the old 10.2 ,it looks like it updated them automatictly it overided the old ones,now in my graphic card imformation it said version 10.3 ,one question i have guys i thought you had to uninstall the old ones first tho ,is that right?

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While it's best to uninstall, sweep your drive, and then install the new set, ATi's new Install Manager manages to get the job done correctly without having to go through the old steps. I still do it the old way on my machine, but on my wife's machine I just let the drivers do the job themselves (and it has worked everytime!)

After all, you don't need a great video card that is taken care of driver wise to play Farmville or Bejeweled...


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Anyone upgraded to these drivers on a dell?

Dell purport to use their own tailored drivers (which they refuse to update), so I'm a little nervous about trying to upgrade to standard ATI drivers.  However, I'd really like the performance increase.

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Alright, the WHQL version (with the correct version number for you Hercfan) is up:


JusJ, just use the AMD drivers. Dell will NEVER keep their proprietary drivers up to date. Back when, when I owned a Dell, I always used the video card manufacturers drivers and never had a problem!


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But if read correctly on other forums, the 10.3a "preview" will contain some "performance" aspects that are being voluntary left out of the

official release. Or i might have misunderstood.

All I know is that the 10.3a preview ones did give me an even smoother operation (not sure in FPS since I am locked at 30... and it sticks to that number).

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Steve, Phil, Hercfan, GheeD, Maurice, Sylvester, Justin and all,

I am joining you guys, jumping from team green to team red with an ordered Gigabyte HD5870. Since I am a know-nothing ATI-wise, I will have to rely on your help and advice when in a tight spot. Here is thanking you in advance!


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Steve, Phil, Hercfan, GheeD, Maurice, Sylvester, Justin and all,

I am joining you guys, jumping from team green to team red with an ordered Gigabyte HD5870. Since I am a know-nothing ATI-wise, I will have to rely on your help and advice when in a tight spot. Here is thanking you in advance!


Well I wouldn't define myself as on Team Red, but I've never owned an nVidia card either... I was honestly thinking of getting a GTX 480, but with it's issues I'm definitely skipping on it.

Let us know how your performance changes! And always here to help!

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Steve, Phil, Hercfan, GheeD, Maurice, Sylvester, Justin and all,

I am joining you guys, jumping from team green to team red with an ordered Gigabyte HD5870. Since I am a know-nothing ATI-wise, I will have to rely on your help and advice when in a tight spot. Here is thanking you in advance!


Well I wouldn't define myself as on Team Red, but I've never owned an nVidia card either... I was honestly thinking of getting a GTX 480, but with it's issues I'm definitely skipping on it.

Let us know how your performance changes! And always here to help!

Same here. After reading couple reviews of the new fermi, i'm not too pleased. High temps, electricity consumption, and not so much improvement over ATi cards with REALLY high price isn't what i want.

Let's have a look when new fermi's arrive, if then they are up to bar for pro's vs. con's.

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I have spent most of the weekend flying using the new 10.3 preview drivers and they are unreal. I now average 40-70 fps in Vancouver and a solid 70 elsewhere and thats with fairly full settings. Also I feel the image has improved and has a more solid look to it somehow. Overall a massive performance increase for me. Anyone else tried them?

I will post a video tomorrow showing this (although fraps still eats away at fps).


Hi Steve,

I realize you may be in Beautiful BC so I wish I had asked you earlier. Did the new driver fix the vertical sinc and AA issues in FSX? Did you post your video somewhere? Thanks.


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Can a 5870 have vertical sync in FSX? Some people are claiming so, but I have not been able to force a real solid "Yes it can, and here is how you do it" answer. Is their good quality or is there AA problems? Gee so many questions, so many things that have to be worked out, and I am as green as grass on ATI! I hate feeling this lack of control of my simulation enviroment!  :P


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I have a 4890 and get V-sync in Full Screen Single Player.

I don't notice any speed difference with the 10.3 drivers.

I use Ray Adams' ATI Tray Tools* - not the Catalyst Control Centre.

*includes a no-pause screenshot utility

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Vsync only works flawlessly in WinXP. In Vista/W7 its a crapshoot because DX no longer allows the control panel to control Vsync, only the application can.

However, you CAN force it via ATITrayTools using Vista vsync override included, but there are issues when going that route, such as severe stuttering when ATC window pops up or ATIS/REX weather text is rolling.

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Thanks for the answers,

I decided to cancel the HD5870 purchase. I will wait for something that I KNOW will work without significant issues in FSX. Afterall, I can not complain about the performance with this present setup.  :)


Unfortunately, that's going to be a very long wait... nVidia and ATi aren't going to spend anytime worrying about us old simmers using FSX when they have to concentrate all of their efforts supporting the latest mind-numbing shooter fests that come out every other month... it's a shame but reality. The most we can hope for is better performance, but as far as no issues like AA and Vsync problems, we are sadly doomed with DX9 being phased out and DX10 and DX11 becoming the new formats.

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