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Inaccessible functions


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Operating system:  W10

Simulator:  P3dv3.4


Issue:  As part of a realignment of the scenery on my system decided to remove the libraries created in OC when running P3dv4 alone, but, since uninstalling v4 and going back to v3, for whatever reason app won't let me do it .... nor will it let me install the Orbx Library(either automatically using OC or trying a manual install) ..... part of me feels I'd like to remove OC, manually delete the libraries, reinstall the app for a fresh start .... attached please find logfile ......




receipt number is 5d9a04a0ae2c8.

TrueEarth Great Britain South


receipt number is 5d6c1967eeb68.

EGLC London City Airport

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