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KFOT Elevation Errors


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After updating P3D to version 4.5, I have elevation errors at KFOT.  I had no issues in ver 4.4.  Here is what I've done so far.  Ran AEC.  Enabled KFOT.  Dis-enabled KFOT.  Yes I selected "Apply".  Made sure my settings were per the users manual.  They were.  Uninstalled KFOT.  Re-installed KFOT.  Migrated to library.  Moved it up the library.  Moved it down the library.  Made sure current library was installed.  It was.  Made sure all Orbx files were up to date.  They were.  Using Orbx Central ver 4.0.27.  I have Global, Vector, N. California all installed.


So I'm out of airspeed and ideas.  Thoughts?


Thank you.



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Next time please just attach a copy of the file instead of opening it and pasting the ridiculously long list of it's contents, I have converted them so we can easily plug them into our tool to view.


KFOT needs to be in the disabled AEC list in Vector. Then I would seem to believe your issue is caused by one of your Navaid add-ons, so maybe try disabling them first. You could also do a search in your entire simulator install for KFOT and zero in on the non Orbx files.

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So followed the above instructions.  Deactivated my Navaid add-ons, added .off to any non-Orbx file and placed KFOT on the disabled side of AEC.  I then uninstalled KFOT and the elevation issue is still present with the default airfield.  Should I uninstall N California as well?  Using a 3rd party global mesh.  Again, did not have any of these problems until I upgraded to P3D Ver 4.5 from ver 4.4.  Any other suggestions other than a complete re-install?  Thank you.



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Did all of the above to no avail.  Then uninstalled KFOT along with NCA region.  Elevation issues remain.  Even used my mesh leveling utility and that did not help.  So I guess I'm down to two options.  A clean install of the sim, or no longer fly this area.  Appreciate all the suggestions.



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The elevation issue has been solved.  As a final effort, I moved KFOT to the top of the library and that solved the elevation issue.  I then began discovering I had many titles with the same issue.  So in Orbx Central under Settings I moved my insertion point for Orbx Airports and Regions to "Top of Scenery Library" and that solved the problem.




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