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Extremely Slow Downloads, Extractions, and Conversions


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While it's very convenient to see and do everything from a single location, the download, extraction, and conversion process is extremely slow.  I have a 1000GB internet connection so I know it's not at my end because movies download in a matter of minutes, not hours or days.  Is there any particular reason while it almost always takes a day or more to download any of the larger programs, i.e. GB, Washington, Oregon, etc.?  If I watch the converted number, it runs at a rate of about 1 conversion per minute or slower and it totally ties up my computer during the process, and I have a fast system.  The extracted rate is about the same speed.  If you are sending .jpg files for the Ortho Textures and then converting them, give me the option of converting them myself as I can do an entire file in less than 30 minutes max.  Just seems to me that there should be a better way.



Operating system:  





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Hi @Cdrbuck,


Can you please fill in the additional details as instructed (operating system in particular)?


Please also upload your central.log file. You can find it at%appdata%\Orbx\Central\central.log.


Without those details, we will struggle to diagnose the issue you're experiencing.


Yes, for the HD versions of the regions we download JPGs and convert them to DDS using texconv on Windows. The SD versions of the regions just download the DDS' directly.


60 seconds per conversion is very unusual - it should only take around 0.5 seconds per texture.

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Hi Ben,


Thanks for the prompt reply.  I think I found what was causing the problem.  I have a program called Process Lasso that I use when I am flying X-Plane and it basically alters the amount of processing power devoted to Windows and focuses as much as possible toward X-Plane.  I forgot to tune it off when I was downloading from Orbx so that means that the data was getting processed with only a small portion of my processor.  I'll be sure to turn it off the next time I have to download and process data from Orbx and I'm pretty sure that will eliminate the problem.  Sorry for the confusion.



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