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Newbie struggling to get TE Great Britain South to work


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Hi all,


I've done some searching and have played around with settings but I can' not get TE GBS to work since I purchased it a few weeks back.


I have used FTX central which states it is installed and up to date and have checked files are valid several times. I have changed the ini file as per posts I found on here and I have also ensured that C++ is installed.  I also downloaded the 'convert' file and dropped that in to D:\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery\Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos\textures  


I have plenty of space on the relevant drive so that is not an issue and I don't get any error messages, it simply does not seem to load.  


I am a complete newbie so apologies if I am missing something very simple.  Below is my ini. file and some other screen shots if anyone can shed any light on my issue.  Thanks in advance.



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Screenshot (4).png


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8 hours ago, Blake7 said:

XP11 now just hangs on reading new scenery and stops responding

Here is your revised scenery_packs.ini. Place it in your Custom Scenery folder and either delete the existing one or let this new one overwrite the existing one.If XP then works Ok then fine, if not then you need to run Verify Files again for TEGB South. Keep a copy of the scenery_packs.ini for future use until you install a new addon. If the new addon is an airport then OK, but if it is any other type of addon, then install the new addon, run XP, exit XP and place the new addon in the correct layering sequence.

If you get stuck, come back to me and I will help.



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Many thanks for the help Jon, I will try this shortly and report back.  I did manage to get things back working after deleting the preferences folder I think is was in XP.

TE then did seem to run fairly well but I will try the .ini file you have created and report back. 

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