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Puzzling signage in Brazil & Argentina


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Hi All:
I am flying P3Dv4.5 which is running very smoothly and without serious problems. I recently started exploring South America and noted some odd looking areas which appear to be related to the season. It is difficult to describe them so I have attached a couple pf representative screen shots.


I have seen them (thus far) only in parts of Brazil, starting somewhere north of Rio and extending down at least as far south as Montevideo. They seem to be limited to coastal areas as far inland as 100-200 miles. They are absent around Brasilia. Spot checks of a number of other South American Countries have been negative. The markings appear to be limited to areas of trees and foliage, and to be absent from desert areas and rocky mountains.

The only addon sceneries with South America are FTX SA mesh and Free Mesh Global v2. Disabling either of these sceneries has no effect on the artefacts.

I am learning to ignore their presence but it would be nice to make them disappear altogether. Any explanations for their existence would be most welcome, and suggestions for making them disappear would be even more welcome.



southeatsern So Amer.jpg


Brazil. North Central, near Manaus. Spring.jpg

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Nick: Thanks for the suggestions and the lclookup bgl. I have Ultimate Terrain P3D  and Ground Environment P3D installed in my sim.  Can you tell me what, if any, conflicts I might run into if I installed Global Base alongside these other scenery suites?




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here you are, straight from the User Guide



Compatibility notes 
Please visit http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?board=118.0 for the latest compatibility information between FTX FTXG and third party addons. 

FTX Global is fully compatible with UTX, since we replace the landclass textures that are also called by UTX. You have a lot of configuration options available using the UTX config tool and we recommend you take time to explore what works best when FTXG and UTX are combined. We do recommend that the UTX lighting be disabled if you have a high FPS impact with them on, but this is entirely your choice of course. 
GEX is a default texture replacement product just like FTXG and is therefore not compatible at all. When you install FTXG you will replace any GEX textures which may have been active in Scenery\World\Texture. We do recommend that you firstly uninstall your GEX before installing FTXG, then also using the backup option from our installer to make a backup of the default textures. Please check the compatibility forums at the above link for more information. 


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