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Textures issues after P3Dv4.5 reinstall

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I have just completed a full reinstall of P3Dv4. I follow the tuto where the cleaning of all folders must be deleted.

Install went well. But surprisingly, when I launched P3D, sceneries were already available. I was then firstly happy because this is a fastidious task to implement the sceneries 1 by 1.

And then I decided to fly a test flight, just to see.

And what I saw was very disappointing. See below some screenshots (taken in Walles with FTX_EU_WLS_SCENERY):

3R0osy7.png 5NMuqwY.png



Moreover the loading time of sceneries is huge... about 10 minutes starting at 70% when auto-generated scenery start to load;



I have checked the sceneries order and it looks fine.

I am having (in order from top to down):

Airport sceneries third party

  • ORBX FTX Airports
  • ORBX VECTOR OBJ, APT, CVX and EXX above Base sceneries
  • ORBXVECTOR AEC at the bottom


Also I am using SIMStarter from Aerosoft (I suspect to be the origin of the auto loading)


What are your suggestions? Should I delete the scennery file and let P3D build it again? But SIMStarter will playy the same game...

Thanks to any one who can help me.


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Some updates since my last post.0 

In order to help defining the source of the problem, I have disabled all ORBX products except ORBX!VECTOR_AEC and there is no issue with the sceneries loading process, the delay is normal.

Then I have reactivated only the ORBX!OPENLC_EUROPE and then the issue comes back...


And the textures are not perfect :





And none of my regional scenery is loadinng:



Please help... I don't know what to do !



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Hi Bruno


Please reactivate all your scenery in the scenery library and try the below process.


Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date.

I would then go to settings/help and run the Sync Simulator function first.

 Then you can go to settings/Insertion Point and set them like this.

Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in Orbx Central Insertion points "Orbx Airports and Regions”, put your last non Orbx 3rd party listed in your scenery library addon in the INSERTED BELOW window.

Then for the "Orbx Global openLC” ensure the Orbx Airports and Regions are in the INSERTED BELOW window.

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Hi Doug,

Thanks for your reply. I did exactly what you suggested except the first topic "go to settings/help and run the Sync Simulator function first". I did not find the option in FTX Central...


  • Orbx Libs are installed
  • All my 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of my scenery library and above my FTX
  • Orbx Central Insertion points "Orbx Airports and Regions”, is the last non Orbx 3rd party listed in my scenery library addon in the INSERTED BELOW window
  • Orbx Global openLC” ensure the Orbx Airports and Regions are in the INSERTED BELOW window.



I have just launched a flight in the same area and nothing has changed, still long time to load and very poor scenery...

What about reinstalling all sceneries ORBX from scratch ? How to proceed using Central ? Should I delete all sceneries and can they be overwritten ? Or is there an uninstall option in Central ?

Thanks in advance for follow-up



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Hi Bruno


The sync simulator function is only available in the new installer app called Orbx Central, sorry I had just assumed you were using it instead of FTX Central.


There is a blue uninstall button for all the products that can be found in your FTX Central, but there is also a blue "Verify Files" button for each individual product, it may be worth trying that first before doing the complete uninstall and reinstall.


I would also run the "Force Migration" option found in the FTX Central settings.

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Hi Doug,

I proceeded to the"Verify Files"as advised"and checked every owned feature. Some were downloaded and some only scanned. Global was re downloaded.

I did a test flight in both fast and slow aircraft and the result is:

  • Loading time problem is resolved, from 70% onward, everything is smooth now.
  • Texture missing is resolved
  • But it seems that the ground is peeled in some places (see below). This was not here before I reinstall my sim.


  • I flew in the same area (Wales) and did a check in Scotland. Same issue (photo 2)


  • When I am flying outside the OPENLC scenery, all good (in France for example, no issue).
  • Now, at last, my FTX Central shows me that Global Base Pack is not installed... It was the first one to be checked, re-downloaded and the install was declared as completed.



To complete my report, I need to specify that all my sceneries are installed on a separate HDD through the method "Pink Link Source"

Thanks for your time.



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6 hours ago, BrunoFroggy said:

To complete my report, I need to specify that all my sceneries are installed on a separate HDD through the method "Pink Link Source"


Hi Bruno


I believe you would be much better off to just use the new installer called "Orbx Central" it has the proper functionality to create libraries outside the simulator and install products, it is also required to install any new products.



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Thanks Doug. I downloaded the app but before I start, I have a question...

Will Orbx Central synchronize with the already installed sceneries or I do need to uninstall every single piece and reinstall from scratch?

Just overflew the user guide and did not find any mention of it :unsure:

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In your case you may need to reinstall everything if it is installed outside your simulator folder. Normally though, if it was installed the conventional way with FTX Central into the simulator folder, there would be no need and Orbx Central would sync with no problems.

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