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Edinburgh Airport conflict with graphics card?


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I've purchased your new Edinburgh Airport scenery for P3Dv4, transaction ID / receipt number 5db55c0038164. My problem is that whenever I try to view it, my grahpics card crashes and I get the error message in the attached screenshot. This happens whether I try to start up at Edinburgh, or take off from somewhere else and fly towards Edinburgh. In the latter case all is well until I get within visual range, and then the error occurs.


I've not had this problem with any other scenery you've produced: ranging from the complete global range; the full set of EU European sceneries; TrueEarth Netherlands; and airports including Innsbruck and Sumburgh.


Any thoughts on how I might stop this happening?


All the best



edinburgh error.JPG

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Many thanks Smudger. I was starting from the supposition that as this happens only in the area of the Edinburgh Airport scenery and nowhere else, and not while running any other software, there had to be a causal link between the Edinburgh Airport scenery and the issue. The absence of "me too" posts suggests it may indeed be "me only", so your post is extremely helpful.  All the best. 

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