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EGNX Extra Flood Lighting & Buildings Added


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Dear Support,

Could you help please find out the cause to me having an extra row of flood lighting in the main gate area? There also seems to be extra large warehouses sited at the eastern end of the runway that shouldn't be there. Well according to google maps they shouldn't be there.

I also see a small building with some GA aircraft slap bang in the middle of an airport road.

When i first installed this scenery, I was getting all sorts of issues with buildings sitting on top of other buildings, but I seem to have gotten around that by disabling the EGNX files in EU England. Not sure why I would have to do this as this airport should be compatible out of the box. I shouldn't have to be messing around trying to sort this out. It's not what I imagine Orbx would wish to happen, but I understand these things happen and sometimes a little tweak is needed to correct this.

Anyway guys, could you possibly help me with my problem?

Thanks you

Kind Regards




This shows these white flood lights that span right across the gate area




This shows this building and GA aircraft sat on the road




And finally, these warehouse buildings situated at the eastern end of the runway!!




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it looks as if you have more than one airport active at the same time.

There are two wind turbines in the Orbx product, you appear to be seeing five,

let alone the spurious buildings.

Perhaps you can search your installation for EGNX and see what you find.

It is also important that this copy of EGNX is above any others in your scenery library.


As to your second comment



Not sure why I would have to do this as this airport should be compatible out of the box. I shouldn't have to be messing around trying to sort this out. It's not what I imagine Orbx would wish to happen, but I understand these things happen and sometimes a little tweak is needed to correct this.


If the existing simulator is correctly configured, the airport product installs and works exactly as its developers intended.





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Hello Nick,


When you say the Orbx copy of EGNX should be above any others, I take it you mean any other renditions of EGNX and not any other scenery. I don't have any other EGNX installed just the Orbx one. Your added screenshot doesn't actually show where your copy of EGNX resides so I'm not too sure where mine should be. I've installed all of my Orbx products using the new xml method into an external library apart from global of course, and I just let Orbx Central plonk them where it wanted to (screenshot). I've only set the insertion point which is below other airports I have installed granted, but not below any other copy of EGNX because I don't have another installed.

I thought the xml method of installation was ignored by the older scenery.cfg file, is that not the case? I was under the impression the xml method took preference over the old scenery file system, and so it wouldn't matter.

Anyway Nick, I can't imagine where the other wind turbines or buildings are coming from, bizarre to say the least!! Should I be having the Orbx insertion point at the top of the library?

If that's the case, then I guess giving the option of choosing where to have the insertion point is questionable! hence my comment on working out of the box. I wasn't trying to be rude or derogatory, I believe we should be able to install the software using the tools provided and not have to mess about tweaking them, don't you?

Kind Regards




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12 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


I wonder if you are seeing the wind turbines and buildings from the  EU England version?


Which version of P3D v4 are you using please?

Hi Nick,

I'm using v4.5 the latest one.

I have an update Nick, I took the plunge and put the Orbx region and airport library insertion point to the very top and had the landclass immediately below them . I now see what you see with the two wind turbines and clear apron without the flood lights stuck in the middle. The building with the GA aircraft has also gone, but I still have those large warehouse type buildings at the eastern end of the runway. Can you tell me if you have these in your build Nick? I know it's a while since I've actually flown from East Midlands so I checked on google maps and it doesn't show anything that resembles them, or even any indication of civil works going on. I can't think where they come from. There is also another large building situated the opposite end of the runway to the north west and that's not there in the real world. I've disabled HD buildings as a test, but that didn't make any difference as they were still there.

Can you also put me right on where we put the insertion point in the library which best serves the rest of the scenery? I thought that having the xml system of integration negated the need for where the insertion point was, so I would appreciate any technical help on where it should be.

Thank you

Kind Regards


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2 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


now that you have the correct Insertion Points, the product is now working as its developer intended.


Please research "East Midlands Inland Port".

Here is a link to start you off.

Yes thanks Nick,

I cannot believe they have built that park. Where have I been!!!

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