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Load up times after download of ORBX scenery ?


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I have just purchased and downloaded some ORBX scenery (3 all standard definition) and airports (4).

Prior to this Xplane would take maybe a minute to load up a new flight.

Now is taking up to 15 minutes for each new flight ?

I have used the "D" drive for the new ORBX files, as I do for all X plane stuff .


Have I done something wrong or is my computer not up to it (its a gaming desktop about 2 years old) ?

Any suggestions welcome !

ORBX products.PNG

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15 minutes is definitely excessive, I have the same products as you including HD versions where available, and estimate it takes a maximum of 2 minutes to load. Try defragmenting and optimising your d drive first, there are some excellent free defragmenting softwares out there. By the way some of my scenery is on hdd, some on ssd, so that doesn't explain your experience. 

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The loading time is dependent on several factors. The more addons you have the longer potentially it takes to sift through what is needed to be loaded for a specific flight. The complexity of the area of the flight with the area being covered by an addon rather than default scenery. The speed of your HDD. A USB 2 external drive will obviously take much longer than a USB 3 which will take longer than an internal HDD which will take longer than a SSD which will take a bit longer than a NVME M2.

To answer your question, TEGB South is at ZL17 with PBR autogen in the London area and is one  of the first True Earth addons and probably the least optimised and most demanding and complex. The 2 TE US SD addons are quicker to load.

15 minutes is excessive so you need to advise what your PC specs are including Disk type and speed and what your settings in XP are.. If your D drive is SSD then DO NOT defrag.

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If it any consolation my PC takes quite a bit longer to load up EGLC (Orbx version) with TEGB South than anywhere else. Not 15 minutes but I have had upto 4-7 minutes. What I find is that eventually the loading time diminishes the more you are loading up a flight near region. It will also load a lot quicker once XP has been flown a couple of flights. If EGLC is your first flight of the session, i.e. your first flight since firing up XP, then it will take longer. If you exit XP but are still on the pC doing other stuff, and return to XP it will also load quicker.

Give it time to settle in and see if there is any improvement. I am assuming you have XP on the  Seagate HDD?

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Thanks for that Jon, yes XP is on the Seagate HDD.

Out of interest I tried some local airports and there was no where near the load up times.


I also ran the Windows de fragmenting programme for the fist time on the D drive and found that 30 % of the drive was fragmented, then I had to leave but a quick test showed a much smoother experience and frame rate.


I hope to have more of a play around this weekend, appreciate your and  suspman's advice !


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