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Land over water

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Hi. I am also have trouble with a strange landmass that appears at my aircraft's location (it moves where I move).  I have run the Sync Simulator function in Orbx Central v4.0.16.  I also tried to re-order the Vector entries in the scenery library as per the note above, but I can't seem to get them to stay in that order.  (They did not appear in that order after running Sync Sim.)  This is a new problem, and the only thing I can think of that I changed was upgrading from Central v4.0.15.  I am truly stumped and would be grateful for any advice.  These are a couple of samples.



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Hi Nick --  I don't seem to be able to move the entries directly in the Scenery Library of P3D.  Their positions seem to be frozen in place.  I tried using SIMstarter to re-order them, but the changes I make don't seem to get saved.  Any ideas would be great.

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