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EGLC is not working properly

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Order number : 5d6dfd13ae8a7


I have not been able to get this working properly since purchase. I have ended up re-installing everything and doing as clean build of my machine and it still does not work. It is configured correctly, and the only add-ons other than EGLC in the area are EU England, Global Base and EU LC.


I thought it was my Q400, but I have tried 2 other GAS aircraft and it does the same thing every time. I have uninstalled the product and installed it with both methods (library and direct to P3D ORBX folder) with Central v4.016. Same results.


You can see from the screenshots that it is not right. Also, about 30 feet before landing the screen stops for a second or 2 and the aircraft suddenly is on the runway. It is not usable.


I would appreciate your support, a refund, or a credit note please. 


Screenshots below:







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there appears to be something very wrong with your installation of this product.

It looks as if you have at least two airports active at the same place and the airport

elevation is entirely compromised.

I note that this does not seem to be the case in your previous video.









Perhaps you could attach a copy of your scenery.cfg file?

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Hello Nick


Scenery.cfg attached.


In my previous video this issue does not appear to have been happening, but the massive pause at touchdown was, and still is. I see there are further posts within that thread. FWIW, if I start a flight at EGLC the elevation issue in the pictures does not occur. It appears to happen when approaching from "outside" the general area of EGLC. For instance, I've been able to replicate this with  complete consistency with various aircraft after taking off from Southend, just to test. I have also tried it with EU England and EU LC switched off and I get the same results.


Hope this helps.


Best, Dominic




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3 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Thanks, the scenery.cfg file looks fine.

I will ask @Greg Jones for a comment on this rather particular problem.

Thanks, Nick.


I am happy to supply screen shots of installed files, etc. I am also happy to take the steps you (ORBX) advise to help resolve this. I like ORBX products and I just want them to work as intended so I can enjoy my flying and my purchases. I look forward to your response.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, so a bit of time away from the sim but I managed to fix this.


Any scenery that is XML is active. I only have ORBX scenery that is "traditionally" installed, and I have quite a lot of it.


I have deselected all ORBX scenery in scenery.cfg (except for XML installed ones of which I have 2) and suddenly my load times are much quicker and the issue raised in my original post has disappeared. I also do not now get the problem of the sim "stopping" just over the threshold so I can now perform a smooth landing.


Reactivating my ORBX collection in scenery.cfg brings the problem back. 


I have not isolated any offending scenery through switching individual ones on/off and then re-testing - too long a process.


I am now just selecting the sceneries I want active before I fly. That's my solution.

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I see my issue has been marked as "resolved". I'd honestly say I've had to work around it, not resolved it fully. And it wasn't looked at by ORBX, as was promised.


Does ORBX have a view on this situation please? My workaround is something of an inconvenience.


It makes me nervous before shelling out money for other products that things will actually work properly.





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