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TrueEarth scenery not loaded in X-Plane after installation


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After having some issues with the built in installation process of FTX Central and ORBX Central which have been solved after switching from FTX Central to ORBX Central and a re-install of ORBX Central (apart from FTX Central saying I own the TrueEarth Washington HD Enhancement Pack and ORBX Central does not show it) the final issue was that the bought scenery - TrueEarth Washington HD - was not loaded by X-Plane 11. Due to this fact I only now realized that this also happened when I installed the TrueEarth Great Britain South a few months ago. As i did not flew over this region in X-Plane before i did not realize it at that point in time (call me stupid if you like).

As I'm not really an experienced X-Plane user and not familiar with scenery files I did not have the 'scenery_packs.ini' in mind and repeated the installation for 3 times so far (two times HD and  one time SD version with downloading of 40 GB of data each time!) with always the same result (scenery not loaded).

Finally, after some research in the forum, i remembered the 'scenery_packs.ini' and despairingly deleted all entries containing the term 'ORBX'.
After this and restarting X-Plane - to my surprise - the difference was like day and night, looking great - means now X-Plane loaded the new scenery files. But the downside is - now the Drzewiecki New York City Airport is located in the middle of the sea (or flooded by water) and the plain crashes before having a chance to start.

So it seems the ORBX installation process did not place the entries in the 'scenery_packs.ini' at the correct location. After i deleted all ORBX entries and restarted X-Plane all ORBX entries are located at the top of the .ini file. Before they was clustered over the whole file.

As my frame rates are poor with the HD version I would like to step back and install again the SD version (yes - means to download the 40 GB for the fourth time).

So can you please advise how the entries in the 'scenery_packs.ini' file should finally look like so that both the ORBX sceneries and the other third party sceneries are working fine. I really would like to have a proper 'scenery_packs.ini' file to prevent from having problems after further installations.

I attached 3 versions of the scenery_packs.ini files (and the installation log):
a_ as backup'd by ORBX during the 3rd installation (HD version with files located in a separate library, the SD version i installed on the X-Plane drive)
b_ after the 3rd installation before I removed all the ORBX entries
c_ created by X-Plane during the next restart (current version)

Tanks al lot in advance.


Kind regards,







Operating system:  Win 10

Simulator:  X-Plane 11

Screenshot:  none

Issue:  X-Plane did not load the scenery after installation with FTX Central and also ORBX Central which led to several retries and downloads of 40 GB of data.


a_scenery_packs.ini.backup-orbx b_scenery_packs - CopyOriginal.ini c_scenery_packs.ini central.log


Hello. The topic can be closed. After some further research in regards to the 'scenery_packs.ini' I was able to sort it out. Guess the initial problem was due to a clash with the KSEA Demo scenery, as i started my flights in Seattle. After re-positioning the ORBX entries and disabling the KSEA Demo scenery all is working fine. Also the pretended issue with the  Drzewiecki New York City Airport is clarified - not related to or caused by the ORBX installation. Thanks.


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