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LOWI deviating river color, buildings

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first of all: ORBX LOWI is such a great scenery, but i miss two things.

1) a local saying goes like that: Innsbruck, by the green inn. But the river color in ORBX LOWI (i use P3D v4.4) is dark blue. Is this something i can change by my own (if yes, how). If not, i suppose this is resticted to the specific scenery of ORBX (and i cannot be changed unless ORBX updates the scenery). See picture attached


2) i really miss some buildings on the approach air corridor (especially for RWY26). E.g. the a bigger shopping center. i really wonder why this "landmark" has not been implemented. (note: picture title says FSX but now i am on P3Dv4, however situation is the same). the comparison gives the simulator screenshot and a GoogleEarth picture as a reference, both marking the (missing) buildings.


Any comments (probably from Jared?)???


blue (or green) inn river.jpg





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