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P3D v4.5 terrain problems

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I installed the P3Dv4.5 client and I'm seeing terrain issues. There are many spots that are blurry, black or missing enroute from KEWR to KMSP. I have all the Global Range products but never saw this many anomalies prior to this update. Anyone else seeing this? Thanks.

Pete Locascio 

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  • 5 months later...

I'm at my whit's end. I've tried everything that was mentioned, and the textures are no better. I'm still getting black areas just like before. Something is very, wrong here, and it's not my machine. My settings are well below maximum on all sliders, and my hardware is high end. I installed the latest P3Dv4 hotfix, which was obviously a stupid mistake, since everything was running very well prior to that. I then reverted back to the previous P3Dv4 version with a clean installation, hoping it would fix my problems, but the issues are still there.  I've verified all files, including the library, a few times, have uninstalled/reinstalled all the Orbx Global the scenery packages, and loaded them directly into the simulator root folder. I've also checked the order of the VECTOR items Doug listed above. Noting is fixing this problem. The attached screen shot is of Flathead lake just south of KFCA. Trust me, it doesn't look like that in the real world.



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Yes, I deactivated frozen water! As far as deactivating other Orbx items, as an end user who has spent A LOT of money here, I shouldn't have to jump through a bunch of hoops to fix this problem. Orbx Central needs some work, since the previous V3 worked fine, and didn't rearrange my scenery whenever it wanted to. I usually have a good sense of humor, but it's rapidly going away as far as this issue is concerned. AAAAAArgh!

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I have gathered your posts in from the other topics that you added to and made you a topic of your own.

Please use it for your support request.

Can you confirm whether you have installed into the P3D folder or into an Orbx Central Library?

Please try Verify files for your Global base product and if you have it, your Open LC product.


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I've installed all the ORBX Global products in the P3D folder, and have verified files for all products including the library. I've even tried uninstall/reinstalling them. I have all the global products. Also, I'm not sure what to use as an insertion point either. Right now I have all Orbx products inserted directly below my payware addon airports. When I used the top of the scenery library as an insertion point, it interfered with some of the addon airport textures. At this point, I really don't know what else to try. Thanks.

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I am seeing night textures in what should be river water and those black squares could be night textures as well.

perhaps you could  check your Vector entries in the scenery library.

They should be in this order:


otherwise, please attach your C:\programdata\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\scenery.cfg file.


You could also try refreshing the terrain.cfg file.



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I tried the fix, but if anything it's worse. The scenery picture shows what was supposed to be a huge lake, is now completely covered by terrain.  The other scenery in the area is also corrupted. There are dense areas of buildings that shouldn't be there. The other picture is what I'm now seeing when I try to verify files. I'm about ready to dump my whole hard drive and start all over. 










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     I uninstalled OCv4.0.15 and reinstalled OCv3.3.9.2, ran the updates, and verified files. The terrain issues were gone. Everything at different locations looked normal and the lake is also back to normal. I read where some people having the same issues did this and it worked, so I figured I'd give it a try. There has to be something in OC4 that's causing some peoples systems to go haywire. 

     scenery.cfg attached. Thanks.


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11 hours ago, steve40 said:

Have you updated to P3Dv4.5 hotfix 2 that came out a few days ago?


"Fixed issue where add-on land class textures would not be loaded in some cases"

I think this fix made some simulators looking weird now. Mine looks now like standard scenery and Orbx scenery are mixed together at some spots. and i do have those cliffs like in the post cliffs at Sydney like everywhere now. 

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temporarily disregarding the remaining problems with Orbx Central,

it now appears that the most recent "hotfix 2" is causing anomalies at

some addon airports, not all of them Orbx products.


Just for now, if you see an anomaly, by all means report it but I would suggest

that you do not waste too much time on a fix, except to return to the previous

version of P3D, "hotfix 1", which should remove the anomalies introduced by "hotfix 2".

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After making sure the Vector entries in the scenery library were in the correct order and the black tiles remained I decided to Verify Files using ORBX Central. Not knowing which of my products was causing the problem, Aus V2 seemed a good start, I verified all my Global and Region products and order has been restored. All is as it should be and the black tiles are gone. Happy days.

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I had this issue too following upgrade to V4.5 HF 1 and 2 and two and after two days of torment this was my fix:-


 - Uninstall all Orbx you cannot uninstall Base

 - open P3D and select World

 - scenery drop down

 - observe at top of list several Orbx Files delete all

 - re-check P3D and observe basic scenery is now working with no black squares etc

 - commence re-install Orbx products in sequence from Orbx Central but DO NOT INSTALL OR VERIFY ORBX BASE

Base is now P3D base so start by loading EU  Regions or Vector etc, DO NOT SELECT VERIFY FILES ON BASE as it will reload these corrupt files into your scenery directory and terrain issues re-occur.


Nightmare from hell but trust me folks this works.




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