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Installation Cityscape Honolulu and London City airport (EGLC)


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I've just purchased Cityscape Honolulu and London City Airport (EGLC).

I'm using P3D v45 hf and wanted to install these products via FTX Central (as I use to du always). I can see these products inside FTX Central v3.3.9.2 (as not installed) but can't install them. The message on the next screen is: "There are no downloads available for this product" for both. I've never changed anything in FTX Central and all the other products I already have were no problems.


As a next step I restarted (about 20 minutes later) FTX Central. Same results as before. On my ORBX account they are already listed.


In my ORBX account I can also see the newly purchased items. So I dowloaded them manually, but how can I install them? There is no file extension like *.zip or similar. The filename starts with the product name followed a bunch of cryptic characters. How shall I proceed? Didn't find any hint, sorry.


But I'd really prefer installing via FTX Central...


Thanks in advance for your appreciated support.


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Hi Josef,


Welcome to the forums.


For both of the products you mention, London City and Honolulu, ORBX Central is required to download and install them.  This is stated on the product pages.  Both of these products are also only compatible with P3DV4.  With ORBX Central the sceneries can be installed in to your main simulator folder (P3DV4) or via an external library.


Here is the link for ORBX Central.









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Hello Scott,

ok, it's now ORBX Central instead. Uninstalled now FTX Central. Now I can see my owned products, hopefully all, but there are a lot. I'll check later. I can see at many of them a new link "Migrate to Library". I've setup a new ORBX.backup folder as well as a new folder called ORBX.library. The _old_ folders still exist, guess the programm will need 'em to migrate, correct? When all has completed successful I think I can delete the old folders/content, right?




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That sounds right Josef.  If you go in to settings you can actually create new locations for your external libraries (one or more) and you can have different library locations for different simulators if you like.  You can also choose to install in to the simulator folder as before if you prefer to keep it that way.  The "Migrate to library" function will only be required if you decide to use the new external library method.  If you do install to a new external library, then yes, if the folder still exists in the simulator folder then you can delete it, although they should be deleted automatically, unless some files have been altered.  Be aware that some products such as Global base still need to be installed in the main simulator folder, so you should not delete any of those folders.


If you have any trouble, there should be a manual included for ORBX Central, or you can open a new post in the ORBX Central Support Forum.







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