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EU Scotland Wind Farms missing?

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I am unable to see any Wind Farms in the EU Scotland region, yet as soon as I move into the EU England region there are Wind Farms everywhere.


What am I doing wrong or missing in order to resolve this?  There is nothing in the control panel that specifies enabling or disabling Wind Farms?


I'm running P3d v4.4 with only OrbX scenery packs, All EU UK Regions.

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PEBKAP ; I un-ticked a file in my scenery file list called AA_ something or other believing it was Orbx Australia, I'm like, I don't fly there so why have it loading at start-up, should make the start-up a bit brisker, yes? No!

Turns out this File is some sort of super dooper trooper add-on thing adding wind farms and air-side features at Cardif Airport among other stuff!


Apologies :(



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