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Other overlays and meshes + TE-products

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first thank you for your wonderful products! Since I have your TE I don't fly anywhere else :)! 


I have UK South, middle + north and recently bought Washington.


In UK I have the HD-Mesh by alpilotx & in Washington the UHD. I know that your sceneries include Meshes and usually the .ini regulates which mesh is active.


-Do I have any performance influence when I delete the mesh tiles for the area which covered by your TE-products except that I save space on my hard drive?


-The same goes for overlay. In US I use world2xp-US-overlays and in UK X-Europe. Any performance influence by deleting the overlays for the area covered by you? 


I mean does the .ini realy blocks out every unnecessary content like double mesh or double overlay? 


Thank you so much! 



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On 8/16/2019 at 3:46 PM, gabelrocker1 said:



first thank you for your wonderful products! Since I have your TE I don't fly anywhere else :)! 


I have UK South, middle + north and recently bought Washington.


In UK I have the HD-Mesh by alpilotx & in Washington the UHD. I know that your sceneries include Meshes and usually the .ini regulates which mesh is active.


-Do I have any performance influence when I delete the mesh tiles for the area which covered by your TE-products except that I save space on my hard drive?


-The same goes for overlay. In US I use world2xp-US-overlays and in UK X-Europe. Any performance influence by deleting the overlays for the area covered by you? 


I mean does the .ini realy blocks out every unnecessary content like double mesh or double overlay? 


Thank you so much! 



Hi and welcome to the forums. Sorry your question has not been responded to but i will try and assist. if i understand you correctly you want to know if there would be any conflict if you removed the areas of mesh from UHD Mesh that cover the areas of the True Earth addons you have and the same for your W2XP Us overlays for those same areas.

The answer to whether there would be any conflict is No. Removing both the mesh and Overlay duplicate areas that are well covered in the TE addons will save you disk space, yes.

 The .ini will only Block/Mask addons that are below the UHD Mesh and W2XP Overlay folders in the .ini entries. Therefore as UHD Mesh is supposed to be at the very bottom of the layering in the .ini and your Overlay files should be below the TE entries in the .ini then No the TE Mesh and Overlay will not be blocked/masked.

 You do understand that the W2XP US Overlay is very heavy on resources and is now quite old and a bit outdated. 

I hope this is a correct interpretation of your question.

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Thank you very much for your answer! :)

the order of my .ini is set correctly. Orbx-mesh is above AlpilotX-UHD-Mesh and Orbx-overlay is above X-Europe respectively W2XP-US-overlay. So the Orbx products are displayed beautifully and without errors.

But the question is useful to me if I delete the W2XP-XP-Overlay files or the X-Europe files for the areas where Orbx-Overlay and Orbx-Mesh are active, related to the performance?


I made a screenshot to ilustrate it:




3 overlays are active on the marked tile. Orbx is up and because of that everything is displayed correctly.

BUT: is it still performance-wise useful to delete the overlays which are under orbx?

Do the overlays hidden by the .ini not cause any performance loss?


Sorry, for me as a non native speaker it is not always easy to express myself in an understandable way. I hope you get what I mean.


Thank you!


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There is no performance issue with you keeping things as they are. You will gain disk space obviously, if you decide to remove both the UHD Mesh and Overlay (x-europe & w2xp US) that are duplicated in the TE GB and TE Washington addons, but you need to make sure you know what you are doing. My advise would be to leave things alone but I don't know how efficient you are in editing files.

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