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Orbx Central P3Dv4 & XP11 Scenery Order Addons/Utilities Compatibility

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Your Central log file provides us important information, please attach it to your support requests. You can find it at the following locations, or by pressing Control + Shift + L.

  • Windows: %APPDATA%/Orbx/Central/central.log
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Orbx/Central/central.log
  • Linux: ~/.config/Orbx/Central/central.log

You can delete this box/quote once your log is attached




Operating system:  



Issue:  Holding off on Orbx Central until addon scenery order & addon utility compatibility sorted...


Hi Orbx Central developers,


others have noted some worrying scenery order issues & addon compatibility...


P3Dv4+ : i use Lorby & Simstarter NG utilities,


XP11.3+ : i use XOrganizer utility


will be waiting for confirmation that Orbx Central 4 will be fully workable with these highly valuable utilities (still on FTXC3)...


thanks for you time,



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Hi Craig,


We cannot guarantee compatibility with third-party tools. Orbx Central is developed to be install and display Orbx products correctly without any other tool requirements.


We will do what we reasonably can to maximise compatibility, however this is a discussion likely best suited for the compatibility forum.

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thanks, Mitchell, for your reply


i think you will find many of us Orbxers rely on the following tools/utilities:-


9 hours ago, Mitchell Williamson said:

We cannot guarantee compatibility with third-party tools.

that's the standard answer!






Lorby Scenery Addon Organizer &

SimStarter NG


just to let you know (i am sure you will find references for these) - & fairly mainstream...

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