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LOWI Question and Comment/Bug


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Hello there,


Just picked up LOWI, and like what I am seeing, however I am wondering if there is any plan to add PBR materials into this package? I expected that there would be, but neither the LOWI airport, nor the buildings seem to implement any PBR.


I also discovered an interesting bug(?). All around the scenery, there are random powerlines that seem to go on for miles and miles, but which have no supports under them, cross airport runways at times, and pass through terrain. Are you aware of this issue?

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Hi there, welcome to the forums :)

1. We don't have any short-term plans to implement PBR textures to the airport buildings - these models were originally created in a non-PBR environment, so we've kept special maps to legacy reflective materials where needed. The workflows to properly create PBR texturing would essentially involve re-modelling the airport buildings from scratch, which is beyond the scope of this project. But it's certainly something I'd be keen to revisit later down the track.

2. The powerlines something that some users and a couple of testers have picked up - we are aware of them. They are a bit problematic to remove (primarily because both myself and Vittorio can't replicate the issue on our PCs!) however we're working through it at the moment. 




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