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Google Earth

John York

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I've now got three Google Earth's on my desktop;  the Serges OZx, FTX PNW coverage and my own Google Earth.

This seems to be overkill to me so what I want to ask is if there's some way you clever people can figure out to amalgamate them so that all I need is the one?


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You should have only the one anyway

Once loaded by google earth the OZx/PNW KML's will stay in your main google earth, you can even delete the KML files you downloaded,

And to neaten it all up in your menu just close all the tiers of info by clicking the minus "-" symbols, and then turn them on and off when you desire with one click

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Once loaded by google earth the OZx/PNW KML's will stay in your main google earth, you can even delete the KML files you downloaded,

Yup, after using one of the KML/KMZ files and when you close down Google Earth you should get asked if you want to save the temporary places or if you want to discard them. If that dialog box doesn't come up, you may have to drag & drop them manuall from the "Temporary Places" to the "My Places" menu tree on the left.

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Just a third voice to say exactly the same thing... Just save the kml you opened to ''my places''. When you open your ONE google earth, you will see your various KML's in the left side column.

And to make things even more fun, I am working on a few others KML's for the PNW.

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Great, please post the link here, so we can see it when you are ready.  I must have been a map person in a previous life, I love it.


Some info about my projects here Raymar:


FTX NA Blue Closed waterways is 90% finished. Ready this week.

I am 50% done with the Fishing Destinations (Washington State part only). After that will be Fishing in BC, then some hunting destinations later this summer.


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