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Lighting on the Apron

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Hello Support


I have Prepard3d v4.5 and installed Australia 2 and Brisbane Airport. Starting a night flight I have all ground equipment correctly lit by apron lighting but my aircraft is a black silhouette 


Any help to resolve this?


Best Regards

Bill Gradwell

Lighting Issue.PNG

Lighting Issue2.PNG

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A local developer NMG has found a solution and will apply to their software. Maybe ORBX can deem something from them on a solution from their products


For Prepar3D only:

There was a problem with the dynamic apron lights in all our airport packages… They work when you depart from the airport, but when you fly into an airport from any other destination at night, then the apron lights will be switched off and the apron dark.

We have recently found a fix for it, but it involves that we will need to update all our airport packages with this fix. We fully intend to do this in time, but it will not be an overnight fix. We therefore ask that you please be patient with us as we implement this fix with other updates we are planning.

For now; Cape Town is fixed, and the apron lights will always be on at night, no matter from where you are flying in from.

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