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Hi Guys,


Recently, I've encountered a very annoying problem: whenever I load a scenario in my sim, the loading slows down unbearably between 70 an 80% (loading auto-generated scenery).

It does not freeze, but it just loads really, really slowly: from 70% to 80% takes about 30 minutes. This used to take 10 seconds.

I use SimStarterNG and have used this to find out where the problem lies: ORBX Libraries.

Whenever I unload the libraries from the sim, the problem is gone. When they are again activated, the problem returns.

This issue is really driving me crazy, since ORBX products are the base of my sim and they can't run properly without the libraries.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Kind regards,




Sim: P3D 4.5

ORBX Products used: Global, Trees, Vector and OPENLCEurope.

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The issue is not resolved by far, but I have managed to locate a part of the problem, which might help solving it (for someone with more knowledge of this stuff than I have).

The issue I have found is this:

If I remove the following folder (P3D\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\Scenery), the sim returns to normal loading times, but autogen loading is still slow.

After searching the forums, I have also found somebody with the same issues I have: 

However, my increase in loading time is much more severe, and when loading is finished, autogen loading in the sim becomes so slow that there is effectively no autogen at all.

If anybody could please reply to this, I would be very grateful, this issue has completely broken my sim.


P.S. Is it necessary for me to post my order number at the start or end of a post in order to get support?

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Hi Doug,


Thanks for the reply!

The response given in the topic linked above, however, simply came down to the fact that the issue would be adressed "in due course".

This is of course a logical reply if the problem would simple entail an increase in loading time.

However, I am talking about an increase in loading time of 30-40 minutes and a complete absence of any autogen after the sim has been loaded. As stated before, in my case, the sim becomes unuseable due to the ORBX Libraries, which surely can't be right.


I have just now uninstalled all of my ORBX products and deleted and regenerated my scenery.cfg file.

The sim ran absolutely fine until I installed ORBX libraries. This was the only ORBX product installed at the time.

As soon as I ran the sim with ORBX Libraries installed, the problem returned.


And while I do know and understand that you are not miracle workers/wizzards and are doing the best you guys can, I still think that some more support would be appropriate in this case, because the installation of the one single program that is essential for all of the addons I have purchased from ORBX is causing the corruption of my entire sim.

Once again, I understand that you can't do magic, but some help would REALLY be appreciated over here!


Kind Regards,



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Hi Sven


Are you trying to use the Orbx Libraries without any other Orbx products installed?


Are you using FTX Central 3 or the new open beta Orbx Central?


Please  post a copy of your active scenery.cfg and addons.cfg found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4.


Maybe your slow loading issue is beyond the Orbx Libraries and focusing on them alone is not going to produce the required results?



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Hi Doug,


I use FTX Central 3.

I've put the two cfg files in the attachments section.

I hope they can give you some information.

As you will see in the scenery.cfg, Vector and Base have now been installed as well.

If you need it, I could uninstall them and send you a cfg with just the libraries installed?

scenery.cfg add-ons.cfg

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Yes, as far as I'm aware, all of my sim folders are excluded from my antivirus. This includes both my P3D root folder and the P3D folders in my documents.

As far as .xml items are concerned, I've attached the addons.cfg file from   AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4


My PC specs are as follows:

  • Intel i5-7600K
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
  • Corsair Dominator 2x8GB RAM (3000Mhz)


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2 hours ago, sv1511 said:

and a complete absence of any autogen after the sim has been loaded.


I have no experience with the "AutogenConfigurationMerger" but I can't help but wonder if it has anything to do with your above comment?


I would also try with a freshly rebuilt set of default shaders.


Other than that, sorry I am out of ideas for know.

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Hi Doug,

Thanks for all of the help!

I have already tried rebuilding the shaders and running without the AutogenConfigurationMerger, but once again, to no avail.

I understand that you also don't know how to fix this for now.

What is the best course of action for me at this time?

Should I wait for the next version of the libraries? Do you expect that anybody else at ORBX might know a solution? Should I do a complete reinstall of my sim?


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It seems the vast majority of users are not experiencing this issue to the same extent and both simulator and 3rd party addon developers continue to make changes and evolve. I can assure you that all of ORBX and others will be reading this and will response if they have anything to add.


If you were to reinstall your sim I would recommend using our new open beta app called "Orbx Central", that way you could install all of your Orbx products outside of your sim root folder via .xml method, although this may not cure your issue, it would make it easier to update and reinstall the simulator and products.



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Hi Doug, thanks for the tip, I will try it!


Just to rule some stuff out for anybody who might still read this thread or have any ideas on how to solve this: I have also tried running without ORBX Object Flow, but this did not solve the problem.

I then, once again, tried running the sim without ORBX Libraries: problem solved...

I am really baffled, I've been using ORBX stuff for quite some time now and never had any issues with it whatsoever.

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Hi Doug,


Your tip turned out to be a golden one!

I have reinstalled the P3D scenery module and after that reinstalled my ORBX stuff via the Beta ORBX Central.

I don't know how, but this seems to have solved the problem, my sim is up and running again without any issues!

Thanks for all of your help!


Cheers, Sven

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