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Orbx logic problems

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Sorry - a newbie here.  


I have an Orbx login with email address, screen name and password.  All works fine to get to the support forum here.


But, when I try to install FTX Central and Login with the same account it just says Sign in failed.  I have double and triple checked all the details without any success.


Am I doing something fundamental wrong?



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I suppose it is all a matter of perspective.

You are the first person so far to make that observation.


The Orbx support forums and the Orbx Direct "shop" are two separate entities and it would therefore be

odd to register at one and find one's self registered at the other.


I cannot think of a single online software vendor or developer that does not require a separate registration

for their support forum from their retail outlet.


Of course, there is nothing to stop the registration details being identical.

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