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Getting an missing files error when loading xplane after installing TE WA


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Hi guys,  Having a very hard time with this software I recently purchased from you.  I have downloaded it and installed it and when I start up xplane I recieve this missing file error box.  I have attached a screen shot for you to see the box.  I have tried everything including downloading and installing it 4 times burning many hours of my time.   I get the same error message every time.  I even tried verifying the files and waited a long time for that as well, but still same error.  It will not allow me to get into xplane at all.  bounces me out after I press the "understood" button of the error box.  HEPL!  If I cant get this to work, will you please reimburse me for the order.  It was nearly $50.00.  Thx for your help.  sure need it!  Jim  

Xplane startup error.PNG

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