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AU Australia v2 and ORBX Full Terrain Australia

Geoff Millar

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I hope someone can provide advice to assist with a purchase decision:


I run FSX and purchased the DVD version of "ORBX Full Terrain Australia" SP3 on DVD in 2010; am awaiting advice from ORBX on a license transfer.


Is the new release AU Australia v2 compatible with that product, or would I have to uninstall FSX, and re-install FSX and the new AU Australia?


I don't think there's away to uninstall just the "Full Terrain Australia" scenery - deleting the ORBX folder would also un-install my ORBX Essendon, Melbourne, Moorabbin, Avalon and England sceneries.


Also, will the new version of the scenery have a big impact on frame rates? Current system runs OK with the old scenery at 17 fps.


Thank you for any advice



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Australia v2 is a completely new product that requires that AU Australia

is at least disabled in the scenery library but really, uninstalled.


The AU Australia folders are readily identifiable.

They are to be found in ORBX\FTX_AU and are all named FTXAUxx_xxxxx


Once you have transferred your product licence to Orbx Direct, you will be able

to use FTX Central to uninstall and install for you.


No one has yet complained about frame rates in Australia v2.


I think you will find this topic informative.




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37 minutes ago, Geoff Millar said:

Thanks again Nick


Now all I need to help with my purchase(s) is to get a decent download speed from the %#@!! NBN.....



good luck  with that   just  start the  download  and  read  a  book:)

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