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Greath Britain South install problem

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Error, could not locate image file for terrain
0:01:29.624 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/terrain/a6f0xfbb0x17.ter
0:01:29.624 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/terrain/
0:01:29.624 E/SYS: | ../textures/a6f0xfbb0x17.dds
0:01:29.624 E/SYS: | (REN_terrain.cpp:168)


Purchase information:


Product information

  • Transaction ID: 5d1651f654edb
  • Product: TrueEarth Great Britain South - X-Plane 11
  • Amount paid: $36.82 AUD
  • Purchased at: 2019-06-28 17:45:59
  • Quantity purchased: 1


I have no problem with central and north download.


Can you help me?


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