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TE Washington Not working as expected


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Not too sure how to choose a title...

First... Win 7 64bit

Issue : 

Using FTX Central (ver I downloaded and installed TE Washington.  All appeared normal, 3 folders installed in Custom Scenery, entries made in scenery_packs.ini (a lot lower in the the order than I expected though?)


Fired up XPlane at Seattle KSEA and discovered there was no scenery there.... well, some ground units, but no terminals etc, also no city scenery.

I tried moving the Washington folders to different locations in scenery_packs.ini to no avail. Bear in mind I'm not completely savvy with with how this all works, sorry.

Not sure what's up.  Maybe it's something I have done or not done?


Any help much appreciated.        Looking forward to this immensely!



chris from oz




scenery_packs.ini  (immediately after initial install)


Screen shots of KSEA




Log.txt scenery_packs.ini

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Thanks Nick for the quick response.

Moving KSEA Demo above Washington fixed the no buildings issue at KSEA. Much appreciated indeed.


However, begs a question though.  As I said, I don't quite understand how these scenery entries work.  (sorry, I'm an old fart!)

By moving the KSEA Demo above Washington...  wouldn't that preclude me seeing your updated Cityscape for KSEA?

Is that how it works?  Does the preceding Overlay and Orthos take precedence over the Demo?

Sorry if that's a silly question.... just trying to understand how this stuff works.


Again, your assistance much appreciated, thanks.


chris from oz

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