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SP1 TE southern x plane

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This may help as well.


Because the SP1 isn’t a complete copy of the two folders, doing a copy and paste or even just dragging the SP1 folders will replace the originals with just the contents of SP1. You lose everything that’s not in SP1. 


I found that doing a copy and paste of each SP1 folder into the main Custom Scenery folder gave me the merge or replace option. Choosing Merge a) added the new contents and b) replaced those with the same name. 


i.e. Copy SP1 folder Orbx_B_GB__South_TrueEarth_Overlay to the main Custom Scenery folder (Not the overlay sub-folder). This should then give you the option to either Stop, Replace or Merge. 


If you choose Merge, according to what I’ve read and seen it will: 


‘Merge: This option will combine the contents of both folders, keeping the newest version of files with matching names, and preserving all files with unique names. The end result will be a folder that contains the newest version of each file from the two folders.


I’ve done it with both South and Central SPs and it appeared to work. At least it works perfectly for me. 


The first time I did it I used Replace as I would have done with Windows then discovered my error and had to either undo or recover from Time Machine. 


If if you have space, copy the original folders first just in case anything goes wrong. 


Hope this helps. 

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It’s worked.....

-Opened X plane custom folder.

-Dragged each file from the service pack into the custom folder whilst holding shift alt.

-Selected merge.

- IoW Needles loaded too ( and is excellent)


Thank you both for your help in this matter.


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